Ok I have to start by asking myself a simple question, Why in the hell did I not do these updates as a Podcast from the very start?
This is now the third Week in #DailySong update I have done this way and I’ll admit that I am finding it rather enjoyable.
So here it is – A Week in #DailySong’s No 3
When I worked my way back through the tracks I realised it was quite a matching week, with only a few curve-balls in there.
I will try and be a bit more sporadic this week.
Before I Wrap this post up for the week, there are a couple of sites that I would like to mention first
Firstly http://radioactivestate.com/ This is the Podcast that I mention that is run by Krystalle Voecks (Really am sorry if I pronounced that wrong) and if I’m being honest the main kick to do this in Podcast as I was so impressed by her first episode of that – Seriously go check it out after your done listening.
The second is http://freeplaymusic.com/ I Discovered this site today after deciding that I was going to put some background music in to make my explanation segments sound a little less hollow – all of my backing music came from that site and as it was free I feel they deserve a plug for that.
Anyway that it for this week.
As always opinions, comments & suggestions are more than welcome.
Till Next Week.