So regular visitors, if I even have any of them, will have noticed that this podcast is now very late. In fact this is going to end up as a double post with this weeks podcast.
Now the reason for this is twofold. First reason is that I was technically on holiday this week so wanted to do as much relaxing as I could. The second however is that the world doesn’t seem to like me taking a break.
So many things that had to be done this week I’ve been almost as busy as if I had been at work.
Anyway the weeks songs were a bit of a mixed bag, but don’t just take my word for it give this episode a listen.
Hopefully I have managed to explain most of the tracks properly, unfortunately I have the memory of a mentally retarded goldfish that has smoked too much weed at the best of times, so it takes some remembering why I picked each.
Anyway Enjoy and I will be back in the next day or so with Episode 5