Its time for another round up of my #dailysong choices on twitter for the week. But first I have to admit that this I am fairly surprised at how quickly I have settled into a routine with these weekly updates.
I know that’s exactly what I intended for them to do, but at least at the beginning that I might miss some or end up doing it on the Monday etc. However incredibly the moment I set myself this task it embedded as something that has to be done on a Sunday and usually is the first thing I start on a Sunday.
Well this week was also the week of my birthday, I have managed to make it for 27th trip around that giant mass of burning gas that sustains the life on this planet.
I have noticed that each year I seem to want less and less effort put into celebrations & gifts. That’s not to say they are not enjoyed when they happen, I absolutely loved the monkey birthday cake and the little Lego Tie Fighter I got on the day. However unlike the old days I don’t go out my way to arrange anything.
Well lets move on to the weeks run-through shall we…
Monday: Jimmy Eat World – Pain (http://song.ly/2jb8s)
Right the week started badly, the nerve that keeps getting trapped under my shoulder-blade decided that today was a good day to play up. Seriously annoying pain and have yet to find a single painkiller that can touch it when it happens.
Thankfully at most the nerve usually only grinds a day or two and I cant cope with it, but today this was capped off by the fact that the hangover from Saturdays gaming night managed to catch up with me. I really thought I had managed to get lucky and dodge that bullet but no.
So between the two of them that resulted in my Dailysong having to relate to pain.
Tuesday: Basement Jaxx – Red Alert (http://song.ly/2jbf7)
Thankfully I woke up this morning and the pain in my shoulder was gone, the nerve was no longer trapped which was good news.
What also happened when I woke up this morning was during my daily battle with the snooze button I had my dailysong chosen for me. Hidden amongst the tracks that I kept being woken up by Basement Jaxx – Red Alert.
It had been a very long time since I last heard that song and the bloody thing got stuck in my head and the only way I ever get songs unstuck is to pass them on to other people.
Wednesday: Ghostwood – Getting Old (http://song.ly/2jbk1)
Wednesday was my birthday. I took the day off work, didn’t get out of bed till around 1:30pm and spent the rest of the day playing Left 4 Dead 2 and failing badly – there is a reason I’m not the regular FPS reviewer for Thirteen1.
Anyway when I realised I had yet to do may dailysong, I quickly selected anything to do with getting old and have to say I managed to stumble across not too bad a track.
Thursday: Jamiroquai – Virtual Insanity (http://song.ly/2jbp9)
I Love my iPhone, it a great bit of kit and does some many things I need and even more besides. I’ve yet to find something that I would want to do on it that I have been unable to find a solution for.
But as much as much as I love it, I also hate it – While it doesn’t fuck up overly often when it does it does it spectacularly. For the last 3 weeks I have been unable to get the thing to sync with my desktop at home. No idea why but it always crashed half way through the sync process. As for transferring purchases from the phone to the desktop not a chance.
Then I plugged it into my office machine, which proceeded to restore a backup – hey if it makes it work again I can live with that. It was only towards the end of the process I remembered the last time I’d plugged it in at work – The day I got it. I had just inadvertently rolled my phone back to practically factory settings.
So while I was waiting for it to finish up I decided to pick my song and whenever I think of technology and fuckup’s Virtual Insanity instantly springs to mind every time.
Friday: Staind – Sober (http://song.ly/2jbvq)
Friday was a busy day, had all kinds of things that either needed to be started or finished. In the afternoon I had to go on a virtual tour of some of the instances in the MMO Runes of Magic.
When that was done with I took a few minutes to take a bit of a news round up and realised that despite following it quite closely I’d never registered on the Lego Universe site. Now I know Lego is for kids, so a word filter is to be expected, don’t really want characters running round with the name fucknutter or anything like that – but the word Drunk??
That’s right I was not allowed to register as the DrunkenGamer because apparently Drunk is a bad word, so as a joke I picked Staind – Sober as my dailysong.
Saturday: The Chemical Brothers – Galvanize (http://song.ly/2jbzw)
Saturday most of my time was lost on finishing up write ups on articles for the Feb issue of thirteen1. Normally I am a little more ahead of this when it comes to content for an issue but there have been a few things that required a little extra.
Such as the Runes of Magic tour which had to be delayed due to the original Community Manager that was going to show me around taking ill.
This lead to a quick selection of dailysong, for which I simply looked back over the songs from the rest of the week. With Jamiroquai & Basement Jaxx already this week, somehow the Chemical Brothers seemed a natural choice, and Galvanize was the first of theirs that sprang to mind
Sunday: Jilted John – Jilted John (http://song.ly/2jc6y)
For a few months now I’ve been both watching and plugging Robert Llewellyn’s weekly podcast. In which he gives interesting people a lift somewhere and just has a talk while driving, its a far more natural form of interview and allows you to see a different side of people that are normally stage managed.
This weeks passenger was Graham Fellows who is better know as either Jilted John or John Shuttleworth. Either would have been valid choices for a dailysong but Jilted John got stuck in my head first so it won.
Well that about wraps it up for another week. Been a bit of an old-school week of #DailySong’s really. I guess the birthday made me nostalgic.
Till Next Week