Episode #41: We really need a soundboard

Oh god bless Google! This is the second image found when searching for Gow

Another week and another podcast is recorded.

Were well into the year now and there is only one overriding fact we have learnt along the way, a soundboard must be sorted out and soon. We tried to add a single sound effect into this weeks cast and well to say it was a failure is selling it short.

However for shits and giggles we decided to Google our names during one of the songs and I am glad we did, the picture for this weeks show is the result of our search for Gow, look at it! It’s epic!

Anyway on to the podcast and as always links to almost all the topics covered in tonight’s show are available after the jump.

Also as always we are still taking suggestions for the mid podcast songs. So if you have a suggestion for song to be included in the podcast then put it in the comments of this post or send them too @DrunkenGamer or @D_Gow . They will be put on the short-list and you will be mentioned in the podcast itself when played

Anyway enjoy this episode of the Drinky Talky Thingy.


You can also subscribe Podcast on iTunes

Also for while now listeners have been asking for a way to buy us a beer and help us get drunk for their amusement, well now we have found a way. We have set up an Amazon wish list full of beer and sugary things that you can send to us (trust us were just as funny hyper as drunk). Anyone that does so can send any message with their beer and we will say it in the show. Amazon.co.uk: Drinky Talky Thing

Updates on stories from last week

Newell: New Apple hardware could kill game consoles -Destructoid

SOE president says attempted hacks hit dormant accounts – PSP News at GameSpot
Sony: Network attack unrelated to April hack « BeefJack – The Gamer’s Sauce

Facebook Alters How App Users are Measured, Revealing Lower Figures for Games

This weeks stuff

Square Enix’s new engine renders beautiful…garages -Destructoid

Tim Cain joins Obsidian | IncGamers

EverQuest honored at GDC Online awards – News at GameSpot

Perry: Next consoles ‘insane’ not to support cloud gaming -Destructoid

Lineage II goes free-to-play in Europe -Destructoid

Exclusive: Superman Coming to iOS – iPhone News at IGN

Dark Souls sequel will not up the difficulty further | IncGamers

Batman Arkham City PC PhysX trailer | IncGamers

Batman: Arkham City online pass unlocks Catwoman content -Destructoid

How to Avoid Paying Extra for Catwoman with a Used Copy of Batman: Arkham City

New Arkham City copies feature missing Catwoman codes -Destructoid

Mass Effect 3 to use ‘Online Pass’ system | IncGamers

Uncharted 3 Lets You Pre-Order DLC Maps and Skins for $25

Blizzard auctioning off retired WoW servers for charity | Massively

Bethesda QA tester beats Skyrim in just over 2 hours – News at GameSpot

Ex-Rare devs create Starfire Studios – Xbox News at GameSpot

Final Fantasy XIV Subscriptions Coming Soon, PS3 Version a Year Away

Xbox Live hackers targeting FIFA? – Xbox 360 News at GameSpot

Hori brings mouse and keyboard peripheral to the PS3 -Destructoid

NYCC: Street Fighter X Tekken Gem system revealed -Destructoid

Capcom officially announces Devil May Cry HD Collection -Destructoid

Mojang Can Still Use ‘Scrolls’ For Now | Rock, Paper, Shotgun

EA caught screening Battlefield 3 reviewers | IncGamers

Five million people use Origin each day, EA claims | Game Development | News by Develop

Mythos Europe shutting down October 27th | Massively

Release Date Roundup

Warhammer 40k Dark Millennium Dated 2013 | Rock, Paper, Shotgun

GTA III coming to Android and iOS this fall | IncGamers

Payday: The Heist release date now October 18th « BeefJack – The Gamer’s Sauce

Tribes: Ascend beta deploying November 4 – PC News at GameSpot

PayDay: The Heist Release Date Announced – PlayStation 3 News at IGN

Worms Crazy Golf out next week, is fun with friends « BeefJack – The Gamer’s Sauce

SWTOR’s EU launch moved up to December 20th | Massively

NYCC: Street Fighter X Tekken Gets an Early March Release Date, Special Edition

Sonic Generations getting a second demo October 25 -Destructoid

StarCraft Universe developer preview begins tomorrow -Destructoid

Sony 3D headset to launch in UK by December | Game Development | News by Develop

Podcast Extras

Batman’s butler launches search engine | IncGamers

See Syndicate Move – First Ever Footage | Rock, Paper, Shotgun

11 minutes of Starbreeze’s Syndicate | IncGamers

Sonic Generations brings the bosses in new trailer -Destructoid

Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword vs. Twilight Princess – Wii Feature at IGN

Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3’s batsh*t crazy new modes -Destructoid

The complete Sega Master System collection for $5,000 -Destructoid

Shock and awe(some): Saints Row: The Third trailer -Destructoid

Watch someone run through Dark Souls in under 90 minutes -Destructoid

More StarCraft II Units Teased – PC News at IGN

Watch Marcus chainsaw LEGO locust in ‘Bricks of War’ -Destructoid


Songs used in this episode

Intro Remixed from WizWars – 8 Bit Raceway, which can be bought at http://wizwars.bandcamp.com/album/game-boy-rock-special-edition

All of this weeks songs came from the speed of sound remix of the Sonic 1 soundtrack available  at Sonic the Hedgehog: The Sound of Speed | OC ReMix


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