Well this weeks show was a bit of a shocker really.
Firstly we have a bit of an announcement – We will be doing our first special podcast episode, Recording live at Platform 2012 (http://www.platformexpos.com/events/platform-2012/). Details are still to be finalised but when we know which of the bars we will be set up in, we will let you know so you can come and join us.
Secondly our friend Dan, editor of T1, actually turn up to the recording after over a year of saying he would do so (seriously we had a book going on whether he would show up or not).
Gaming news wise, we once again continued to chronicle the downfall of UK retailer GAME, we discussed the possibility of a freemium Blizzard game, Ranted a bit about Day one DLC & even found the time to check out a dating site.
All that and much more in this episode of the Drinky Talky Thingy.
You can also subscribe Podcast on iTunes
We also welcome your contact about anything you want to talk to us about – From suggestions for stories to recommendations for mid podcast songs, Hell you can even just hurl insults at us if you so wish. Below is a list of the ways you can contact us.
- Email: Podcast@Drunken-Gamer.com
- Twitter:
- Paddy – @DrunkenGamer
- Gow – @D_Gow
- Craig – @TurkeySaladBoy
- Alec – @alecrossbower
- Dan – @Dan_T1
- Facebook: Drinky Talky Thingy Podcast
Updates on stories from last week
UK retailer cancels all pre-orders for The Last Story -Destructoid
GAME Will Not Be Stocking Mass Effect 3 – Xbox 360 News at IGN
Game, Gamestation not stocking Mass Effect 3 – GameSpot.com
EA ‘offers Origin games already bought on Steam’ | Game Development | News by Develop
This weeks stuff
BioWare defends day-one Mass Effect 3 DLC – GameSpot.com
All The Mass Effect 3 DLC Costs How Much? | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Blizzard reportedly working on free-to-play game -Destructoid
Blizzard tells Diablo III fans to lower their expectations | Massively
Blizzard clarifies Bashiok’s statements about Diablo III and hints at release announcement | Massively
Diablo 3 console development ramping up? | IncGamers
Dating site for gamers opens, but it’s all a scam | IncGamers
Date a Gamer :: About Us
Facebook gaming drops in popularity (what a shock!) -Destructoid
Killzone 3 Multiplayer To Hit PSN as Free Download – PlayStation 3 News at IGN
Results: Next-Gen’s Most Wanted – Xbox360 Feature at IGN
Medal of Honor: Warfighter Coming in October – Xbox 360 News at IGN
Taco Bell fails to deliver on Vita contest, blames hacker -Destructoid
Not enough time
‘Tenth Xbox Anniversary’ Xbox 360 bundle headed to Europe – Retail Radar – GameSpot.com
BioWare: Average SWTOR play session tops four hours | Massively
Rovio’s first non-Angry Birds game in production -Destructoid
BioWare doctors discuss Mass Effect MMO | Massively
X-Blades sequel Blades of Time out March 6 -Destructoid
Report: PS4 harnesses AMD tech | Game Development | News by Develop
Fifa 12 gets January transfer update | IncGamers
Frostbite tech for next Medal of Honor | Game Development | News by Develop
Guild Wars 2 beta attracts 1 million applicants – GameSpot.com
SOE opens up about multi-year European partnership | Massively
SOE responds to ProSiebenSat.1 fiasco, says it’s not a done deal | Massively
Counter-Strike: GO beta applications open to survey-takers – GameSpot.com
Pokemon Black and White 2 revealed for DS – GameSpot.com
Jet Set Radio port teased for XBL, PSN – GameSpot.com
Podcast Extras
Video from Abandoned Batman Game Surfaces – Games News at IGN
Double Fine Kickstarter update 2 and Ron Gilbert’s wisdom -Destructoid
Waveform is coming to Steam in March and it looks slick -Destructoid
This new Sonic 4: Episode 2 gameplay trailer is so metal -Destructoid
Sonic 4: Episode 2 site goes live with new screens -Destructoid
The Amazing Spider-Man re-imagined Rhino [Video] | IncGamers
Torchlight 2 Development Update [Video] | IncGamers
Dorkly does Limbo -Destructoid
Songs used in this episode
Original Intro Remixed from WizWars – 8 Bit Raceway, which can be bought at http://wizwars.bandcamp.com/album/game-boy-rock-special-edition
New Intro Remixed from Drunken Sailor Metal Remix by DarkmasterXIII