Drinky Talky Thingy Episode #59: A case of mistaken identity

He does look pretty evil in this picture, maybe thats why Gow mistook him for Kotick
He does look pretty evil in this picture, maybe thats why Gow mistook him for Kotick

Look at that picture, then open a new tab and go Google Bobby Kotick. If anyone can find a picture that makes Kotick look like our old pal Bill Roper here – I will send you a free game from my review pile.

Aside from Gow’s inability to tell people apart we had lots of gaming news to go over, too much infact. So you will find a new section to the post below labelled ‘Not Enough Time’ which is full of the links to the stuff we had to drop from the show.

That meant that what eventually did make it into the show was pure gold, or at least it seemed like it at the time beer can do that to you. During the show we found the time to mull over the nominations for this years BAFTA games awards, to ruminate on the sever magic of NCSoft & Guild Wars 2, to laugh at research that gaming is destroying marriages and even found the time to once again laugh at Activision stupidity and Bobby Kotick in general.

All that and much more in this episode of the Drinky Talky Thingy.


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You can even if you so desire buy us gifts of beers and sweeties via our Amazon wishlist, doing so will make you the sponsor of that show and as a result we will say almost anything you ask us to during the show. Amazon.co.uk: Drinky Talky Thing
If you want links to any of the stories we covered in the show this week, links can be found after the jump.

Updates on stories from last week

2012 BAFTA Videogame nominations | IncGamers

Glad Fandango: Double Fine Kickstarter Tops $2m | Rock, Paper, Shotgun

This weeks stuff

New Secret World ARG puzzle hidden on Funcom website | Massively
“33 Easter Egg” – Collected information. – The Secret World Official Forums
The Secret World launching June 19th | Massively

Notch offers $13 million funding for Psychonauts 2 | Game Development | News by Develop
Notch Clarifies All The Psychonauts 2 Things | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Notch: Schafer should crowdfund Psychonauts | Game Development | News by Develop

Bethesda Knew About Skyrim PS3 Issues Pre-Release – PlayStation 3 News at IGN

Twisted Metal movie on the way – Report – GameSpot.com

NCSoft teases Guild Wars 2 console version | IncGamers
Guild News! Guild Wars 2 Server Battles Are Epic | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Queue no more thanks to Guild Wars 2’s overflow servers | Massively

Online gaming linked with marital dissatisfaction | Massively

Telltale Talk The Walking Dead | Rock, Paper, Shotgun

EA thinks Origin is important for the digital world -Destructoid
EA quickly ends Mass Effect 3’s BF3 freebie offer -Destructoid

Ubisoft’s PS Vita bullsh*t is truly incredible -Destructoid

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 outed by Amazon – Report – GameSpot.com
Black Ops 2 surfaces on developer resume – GameSpot.com
French site claims Black Ops 2 reveal led to blacklisting | IncGamers
Activision claims it doesn’t blacklist journalists | IncGamers

Coca-Cola – Press Center – Press Releases – Board Elects Robert A. Kotick as Director
So, like, Bobby Kotick is now a director at Coca-Cola -Destructoid

Not enough time

Epic’s Samaritan ‘needs ten times Xbox 360 power’ | Game Development | News by Develop

Namco looks to revitalize ‘dormant’ IPs using webcomics -Destructoid

PS4 not launching anytime soon – Sony – GameSpot.com

Monumental Games to be dissolved | Game Development | News by Develop

Next Xbox code-named ‘Durango’ – Report – GameSpot.com

Microsoft cares about Xbox Live Indie Games again -Destructoid

Report claims PS Vita devs are jumping ship to 3DS -Destructoid

Sony patents a Kinect-like device -Destructoid

Nintendo exploring content partners for Wii U – Report – GameSpot.com

Street Fighter X Tekken for Vita gets 12 more fighters – GameSpot.com

Diablo 3 Patch 13 Skill interface explained [Video] | IncGamers

RIFT players set record for most in-game weddings in one day | Massively

Bison and Kazuya in Street Fighter x Tekken, PC version dated | IncGamers

Nintendo Wii U patent covers 3D high-def tablet – GameSpot.com

Podcast Extras

Possibly the best Battlefield 3 kill, part two -Destructoid

Actual videogame stars cameo in Disney’s Wreck-It Ralph -Destructoid

Early Copies of Mass Effect 3 Launched into Space – Xbox 360 News at IGN

Quantum Conundrum Shows Off Its Fluff | Rock, Paper, Shotgun

People check into Tiny Tower, but they don’t check out -Destructoid

LEGO Minecraft set coming this summer, first pics are in -Destructoid

New trailer for Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock -Destructoid

Everyday I’m Chemical Plant -Destructoid

Songs used in this episode

Original Intro Remixed from WizWars – 8 Bit Raceway, which can be bought at http://wizwars.bandcamp.com/album/game-boy-rock-special-edition

New Intro Remixed from Drunken Sailor Metal Remix by DarkmasterXIII

Sonic 2- Chemical Plant Piano by DrMackFoxx & EspioKaos

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