Drinky Talky Thing 2011 #4

If anyone knows where I can get some of this beer, please let me know!

Well it seems that the sanity of Gow’s friend’s seem to have returned to normal levels. Only on person cam up with a word that didn’t exist. That’s not to say that they made the word easy to work in.

This week we had the chance to properly use the new studio arm and mic together. Last week we got to us the mic but I had to get a replacement arm sent as the first was damaged in delivery.

I have to commend the eBay seller nottinghammusicshop who has been incredibly helpful and responsive.

Any as you can no doubt see I am rambling as I need to pad out the section next to the image. The reason for that is the podcast player does not fit in this gap and leaves a lot of ugly whitespace.

So without further stalling here is this weeks Podcast – as always the links for any story can be found below.

You can also subscribe Podcast on iTunes

Updates on stories from last episode

Max Anarchy has been named and screenshots shown. It will hit in fall and be called Anarchy Reigns.

This weeks stuff

Well this weeks big story was the official announcement of the PSP2, which is now labelled the NGP (Next Generation Portable) – Here are a selection of stories and facts that were touched on

Heavy Rain is apparently being turned into a film, and the director of deadwood is apparently involved

Also in film news, Visceral apparently looking into the possibility of a Dead Space film

Brian Wood Memorial Game Design Internship

Seem they are working on a follow up to Kirby’s Epic Yarn

Star Wars: The Old Republic delayed till september

Abes Oddysee to get a HD Remake

Activision do the right thing shocker

Brink Luanch date set

Gow’s random words

Ding-a-ling, Cleft, Booble, Haberdashery, Polyglot, Flange, Whooshapoopi

Intro Remixed from WizWars – 8 Bit Raceway, which can be bought at http://wizwars.bandcamp.com/album/game-boy-rock-special-edition

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