Drinky Talky Thing 2011 #13

Ok, how did someone manage to get a picture of me first thing in the morning?

Well its been a while since I last had to do a podcast solo, unfortunately this week Gow was ill.

The one thing that has to be said – what the hell??

I remember that in the early episodes we would have trouble filling an hour when both of us were on form.

Now the podcasts last nearly 2 hours at the best of times and even when recording solo I’m pushing the 1hr mark.

Hopefully next week we will be back up to full strength, and as always links to everything in this episode are below.

So without further stalling for space, enjoy the cast

You can also subscribe Podcast on iTunes

Updates on stories from last week

Hacker Group Anonymous attacking Sony
Hacker group ‘Anonymous’ attacks Sony and PSN | Joystiq

This weeks stuff

Sony confirm Playstation Tablet
Sony’s Howard Stringer confirms Honeycomb tablet in US by summer (update) — Engadget

PlayStation Rewards put on indefinite hold
PlayStation Rewards in limbo – Report – News at GameSpot

SOE confirm layoffs at several studios and the cancellation of The Agency
Sony Online Entertainment confirms layoffs, studio closings [Updated] | Massively
SOE confirms studio closures, cancels The Agency | Joystiq

Smedley thinks Free realms could reach 100million players
John Smedley thinks Free Realms is on track for 100 million players | Massively

Game Republic manages to find public funding
Game Republic fights on with private backing | Game Development | News by Develop

Team Fortress 2 players raise $300k
Team Fortress 2 in-game hats raise $300k for quake relief | Joystiq

New Ultima Online could be in the works
Rumor: A new Ultima MMO might be in the works | Massively

No More Heroes 3 possible but not soon
Suda 51 would like to do No More Heroes 3, it just won’t happen anytime soon | Joystiq

Activision may have to share the modern warfare rights
Legal bid to pull Modern Warfare from Activision | Game Development | News by Develop

Ubisoft take out injunction against THQ
Alleged Talent Thieving Leads to Injunction Against THQ

Silicon knights vs Epic to go to Jury
Silicon Knights’ case against Epic to go before federal jury [Update: Epic statement within] | Joystiq

Mega Man Universe Cancelled
Mega Man Universe canceled | Joystiq

The Next SpiderMan Game has been announced
Spider-Man: Edge of Time tells the tale of two Spideys this fall | Joystiq
Spider-Man: Edge of Time preview: Timeline teamwork | Joystiq

GameSpot buys out Impulse Driven
GameStop indulges in some Impulse buying … no seriously, it bought Impulse (and Spawn Labs) | Joystiq

OneBigGame are making a Charity album with some great game composers
OneBigGame assembles 17 game composers for album to benefit children’s charities | Joystiq

April Fools day roundup
1UP April Fools Pranks Round-Up
April Fools: Monday Night Combat goes all Smash TV | Joystiq

Battlefield play4free launched
Battlefield Play4Free deploys launch trailer, screens | Joystiq

NGP may be delayed until 2012
NGP Release Date Might No Longer Fall in 2011

Magic Vietnam released on 12th
Magicka: Vietnam Out April 12th | Rock, Paper, Shotgun

Intro Remixed from WizWars – 8 Bit Raceway, which can be bought at http://wizwars.bandcamp.com/album/game-boy-rock-special-edition

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