I have to admit that this is absolutely the last thing I expected to be posting this week was this – Welcome to the 10th Episode of the Drinking Talky Thing!!
I knew it would happen but it has only been 10 weeks since we decided to restart the podcast & the episode count at the same time.
But shockingly we have managed to keep recording for 10 weeks and I am now galvanised to continue – we made double figures there is no way this will be anything less that weekly from here on in (even if Gow has to record it solo at some point)
Well without further stalling for layout reasons here is the latest episode of the podcast
You can also subscribe Podcast on iTunes
Updates on stories from last week
This weeks stuff
Batman: Arkham City has been given a release date
Report: Batman: Arkham City out in Europe October 21 | Joystiq
Also more info on the Riddler and a gameplay video
Riddler takes on bigger role (specifically Jigsaw’s role) in Batman: Arkham City | Joystiq
DICE get snippy claim ‘other FPS producers are getting lazy’
Call of Duty Devs Called “Lazy” by Competitor
Transformers MMO – need I say more?
That’s Hot, Rod: Jagex’s Transformers MMO | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
As well as Tribes:Universe it seems Hi-Rez are going to throw us a simple mulitplayer version later this year to tide us over
Tribes: Ascend rises on XBLA, PC this year | Joystiq
Kinect has now shipped 10 million units – making it the fastest selling gadget of all times
Kinect is the Fastest-Selling Consumer Electronics Device
Possibly because of all of the none gaming stuff that can be done with it
Kinect Adapted for Medical Research
The rumours of Diablo 3 for consoles resurface
Blizzard plans Diablo III on consoles | Games Industry | MCV
Take-Two CEO says ‘Good’ reviews are not enough – they have to be ‘Great’
Strong Review Scores are Critical, “Good” the New Bad
On a similar note Iwata said that the rise of AAA games may have taken away the polish & craftsmanship from game creation
Iwata: Triple-A work has lost the craftsmanship | Game Development | News by Develop
Cloud Gaming – Good or Bad?
WTF is… cloud gaming? • reghardware
Treyarch respond to DICE
Treyarch on Frostbite 2 and The Call of Duty Engine – gamrFeed
Sales statistics for consoles
2011 Year on Year Sales and Market Share Update to March 5th – VGChartz
EA hints at Wii 2
EA Hints at Wii 2, Says Wii is Now ‘Legacy Platform’ – IndustryGamers
The seized PS3’s are free again and LG have to pay court fee’s
Sony and LG face courtroom showdown today over seized PS3s (‘several thousand’ of them!) [Update: Sony wins, PS3s released] | Joystiq
Gamers supporting Japan – EVE give you a way to donate ISK to real money -Some guy is parting with his rare DS signed by 4 Nintendo legends
Donate EVE ISK to help disaster relief efforts in Japan | Massively
Rare DS signed by Nintendo vets being auctioned for Japan disaster relief | Joystiq
Gows Random Words
boswollocks, klackering, limsey, Smear, Cream eggs, Badger
Intro Remixed from WizWars – 8 Bit Raceway, which can be bought at http://wizwars.bandcamp.com/album/game-boy-rock-special-edition