Brutal Legend Drinking Game

Your only supposed to melt their faces off, not their whole body

It’s time to look again at the backlog of drinking game I have created for my monthly feature in Thirteen1 Magazine

This time we look back at Brutal Legend.

Being a big metal fan and with metal being all about the drinking, there was no way that I could leave this game without creating a drinking game for it.

So here are the rules – This is also one of the games where I give the rules names 🙂

As always when I refer to ‘A Drink’ I mean a solid gulp of  Beer. You can drink whatever you want but please use common sense.

The Rules

Need More T-shirts

1 Drink Every time you capture a Neutral fan geyser

Fair-weather Fans

A two-way rule,  2 Drinks for every Rival fan geyser taken, 3 for every fan geyser lost

Band Rivalry

2 Drinks for every time you kill an Rival leader

Epic solo

1 Drink for any ‘Gore’ kill (when it goes all slo-mo) 2 Drinks if it’s a Rival leader

Booed off

2 Drinks every time your Leader Dies

Wrecking the Stage

2 Drinks for a Win, 1 Drink for a loss

Can’t kill the Metal

3 Drinks if you manage to make it though a full match without your leader dying

Again this is another one of those games where a lot of these events can happen in a single match, so for that reason I have classified this game as Heavy

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