A Week In #DailySong’s (14/3/10)

This has to be one of the best covers Gow has ever done - even if he didn't realise that it wasn't real SC II characters
This has to be one of the best covers Gow has ever done - even if he didn't realise that it wasn't real SC II characters

Well its a few days late I know but I have been busy.

Hopefully however I will have done enough to make up for the delay if there is anyone that checks in to see this stuff regularly.

You see, I thought that the previous Week In #DailySong updates were getting a little to text heavy.

I also realised that I had promised to do a Podcast somewhere back in the first days of this blogs rebirth.

So I killed Two birds with one stone, I’m pleased to unveil the Week In #DailySong’s Podcast.

Rather than just put a stream of text about why I have picked the song, I’ve just recorded myself explaining why and also now tacked the song into the podcast so you can listen without having to head off to song,ly or similar first.


Now obviously being the first one and also because I decided to do this at the last-minute this one is a bit rough & ready, over the next few I’ll try to refine it.

If you have any comments or suggestions then please let me know and I will happily take them on-board.

Till Next Week.

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