Inspired by the Year of Steam Podcast ( I recently took a look at my Steam Archive and decided that something should be done about the fact that of the 400+ games in the collection, I have actually played less that 70 of them.
This is where the idea of Archive Dive came from.
In this series I will pick out games from my steam backlog that have never been installed, Play them and either Stream or Record them in some way.
Hopefully it will not take me the 139 days that seems to think it will. I would imagine not, as I make no promises to actually finish any of these games – merely bear with them till im bored of them.
In order to to put some kind of order to proceedings, I have decided start my Dive though the library in order of their Steam Game ID. This will make the first game Portal with the Steam ID of 400.
Now obviously I have played Portal, but that was on the console as part of the Orange Box. I will announce when I am going to stream in future once I start doing that.
To be updated feel free to follow me on the social media