The DrunkenGamers Drinky Talky Thing Episode #2

We thought we would take a picture of this weeks podcast drinkage

Hello again one and all, and by one and all I mean the 25 of our friends that took pity on us and gave it a listen.

Its Episode #2 of the DrunkenGamers Drinky Talky Thing – something that we really need to find a better name for. One thing that was finalised is that we will release a new episode once a fortnight.

Just to let you know, we are still experimenting with the hardware so the sound levels will get a little iffy in places and we had drunk a lot by the time we started recording (Thanks for that BBC)

However once again we sat down and had a good old natter about the topics we had noted down in the last two weeks. Below was what we were aiming to talk about.

RockBand 3 Release Date
The third installment will be released on the 26th of october
DC Universe Online Voice Cast
DC Universe Online have announced some of their voice cast, one so great I actually used the word nerdgasm when posting it on T1 vs Zombies
PvZ to hit the XBLA in full HD, with multiplayer in September
Dutch gamers world record
50 hour session playing Red Dead Redemption
Violent games don’t affect kids
Research can’t adequately prove a causal link between violent games and its effects on children
Starcraft 2 Launch Event & Nintendo 3DS
Paddy went to London for the Starcraft launch event followed by a hands on with a Nintendo 3DS and having used one, he now wants to know which member of the Nintendo staff he needs to sell his soul to get hold of one now
Garriot wins the lawsuit
Richard Garriot wins his lawsuit against NCSoft

But as always we end up rambling in all sorts of other new and interesting and wonderful things, such as why the iPad is a waste of money, the fact that Gow thought Tails from the sonic series was a squirrel & and that 24hr news channels are nothing more than a subliminal message machine.

Without further stalling enjoy


This weeks sponsorship round of beer was bought by: Blizzard Entertainment ( who invited me to the Starcraft II Launch in London (

If you want to sponsor an episode of this podcast, simply buy us a round of beers, a coffee or otherwise bribe us – if you cant do it in person contact us a and we will find a way :)

Other things that were mentioned in the Podcast

If there is anything else that you want a link too just leave a comments

Till Next Time

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