It is that time of the week again, when in to get warmed up ready for the podcast we ramble about a chosen topic. Before we got onto this weeks topic we did however have to handle the comments of the Listeners/Viewers of last weeks show – Does Last of Us live up to the Hype?
This weeks was a bit of a mental one for responses, too much to actually put in the post this time. Instead here is an overview of who thought what and a link to the comments themselves
- FaceBook:
- Youtube:
- People who Think it did: Misfitfan3996, Roy Baas, Dan Allen, Michelle Chatterton
- People who Think it did Not: Martin Tattersall, Mike Lockwood
As always we then went on to have a good old fashion natter about this weeks topic which was Which Gaming Buzzword or term do you hate most?
The number of terms that we came up with it is hard to pick what was our two most hated terms but I believe for Gow it would be the Term MMO. Personally i think that I am going to have to go with ‘The Cloud’
So, What about it guys & gals?
Let us know in the comments below which is your favourite and suggest a possible question for the next Talking Point, please do as I seem bad at picking them myself. Everything is fair game, from politics to movies, music to games, hell we will even discuss our favourite womble if you so desire it.