It is that time of the week again, when in to get warmed up ready for the podcast we ramble about a chosen topic. Before we got onto this weeks topic we did however have to handle the comments of the Listeners/Viewers of the previous show – Which Game sums up your Childhood?
All of the comments can be found at the links below.
- FaceBook:
- YouTube:
As always some of your suggestions and comments were great, we do like when people get involved.
A lot of very good suggestions but you guys wound up Gow as none of you selected a single game, though to be honest neither did we really and the ones we kinda forced upon ourselves was probably wrong
However one overwhelming opinion was a lot of people really liked the LucasArts
Moving on to this weeks topic, we want to know What is your opinion on the VR Trend?
This came about as a result of during the 3 weeks we have been away much happened in that area of the gaming industry. Firstly Sony officially announced project morpheus as their entry into the VR Market, then just before recording Facebook bought the Oculus developers for $2 Billion (Yes I heard Dr Evil as well). So whats your take on the whole thing and will you still be buying one?
Let us know in the comments below which is your favourite and suggest a possible question for the next Talking Point, please do as I seem bad at picking them myself. Everything is fair game, from politics to movies, music to games, hell we will even discuss our favourite womble if you so wish it..