This month saw the release of the latest incarnation of Street Fighter, Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition. Now while it would just be a good drinking game making people say the full title fast 5 times and if they fail make them drink, I think I can do a bit better than that.
However this is still an old-school beat-em-up and as such needs a classic drinking game to go with it. As always with my beat-em-up drinking games are meant to level the playing field, skilled player or lucky button-basher this game will bring everyone down to the same level soon enough.
As with all fighters this is best played winner stays on.
To the victor the spoils: When you win a round – Take a drink
Drowning your sorrows: If the last attack of the round is a special attack – Take a Drink – if it’s an ultra – Take two drinks.
That’s just pitiful: If you lose the round to a ‘Perfect’ – Take two drinks
Ultimate Street Fighter: If a player manages to keep the controller for a full circle of all the challengers in the room, Everyone else in the room has to take two drinks
So as always, when I refer to ‘a drink’ I personally count that as a solid gulp of beer. This is so that our drinking can last for longer, however you know your limits and can drink whatever you want.
With that in mind I would classify this as a Heavy Drinking game.