Hi, My names Paddy and I’m a Playstation Fanboy!
I’m not sure exactly when the switch happened, all I know is that originally I was a Microsoft gamer. I had my 360 and nothing on the PS3 enticed me that much, sure it had a few exclusives but nothing that didn’t have a similar title on the 360.
Then I went on a massive clear out of my games collection and after offloading many to friends, there were still enough to get a trade in value so high that I could pick up a PS3 for nothing.
Then I slowly migrated over to the PS3, to the point where unless it is 360 exclusive that is the default console I buy for now.
However the real joy for me comes in the form of Playstation Plus.
For the same amount per year as you pay for the basic right to access on-line multi-player on the 360, Playstation Plus grants you an entire mountain of bonuses that change each month. Some of this is trivial stuff like new dashboard themes and avatars, but there is a lot more free gaming goodness to be had.
You see each month they make a selection of games Free to PS+ members, and were not talking minigames here were talking some full PS3 title. As long as you download them and remain a PS+ Member (and trust me once you are you will never not be) they are free for life. There are also a pile of discounts exclusive to members, dropping the price of some of the games on the PSN store by up to 70%.
This months update is a monster though, particularly for us here in Europe.
For full details you can check out http://bit.ly/PSPlusEUJuly but the headline fact is that as of this month Deus Ex: Human Revolution has been made free. Not only that but if it turns out you enjoy it then all of the games DLC packs have been substantially discounted as well. There are also some lesser known PSN games on the list that sounds interesting.
Over in the US it is clearly PSN Month, details are over at http://bit.ly/PSPlusUSJuly, Picking up Pacman Championship Edition & Gotham City Imposters – both of which are really good games.
Expect one of these updates every month from here on in. I will try to be a bit more detailed next time though.