When it comes to drinking games, you really can’t beat a good old beat-em-up. This week saw the release of Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds.
This game mixes all of your favourite Capcom characters; such as Ryu & Dante, with characters from the Marvel Universe; such as Wolverine & Spider-Man.
The mash-up results in some fast-paced, old-school ass kicking – as such, the any drinking game based on it has to be likewise old school and fast paced.
This game is based on the simple principal of levelling the playing field, be it skilled player or lucky button-basher this game will bring everyone down to the same level soon enough.
Down & Out – Playing the game winner stays on, at the end of each match each player takes a drink for every person on the other team they KO’ed.
That’s Just Embarrassing – If your last character isn’t knocked out by a special move, 1 Extra Drink for the winner, otherwise 1 Extra Drink for the loser.
Going the Distance – If a player manages to keep the controller for a full circle of all the challengers in the room, Everyone else in the room has to take Two Drinks
Obviously due to the speed of this game, and the fact that each round could see you having as many as 4 drinks, I would classify this as a Heavy drinking game (and one I can’t wait to fire up at the next games night)