Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit Drinking Game

I am sure at some point you even kill the toast – a lot of things die in this game.

Now normally I would not create a drinking game for a single player only title – however Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit is not your average game.

This brilliant little throwback to 90s side scrolling platforming has really addictive gameplay, a really well fitting soundtrack & at no point takes itself to seriously. There are jokes galore at its own expense.

This makes it great fodder for a games night. As with all my drinking games I leave the actual choice of drinks up to you, but for me I count a drink as a large gulp of my beer.

With that in mind this game needs about 4 or more players. Then simply start a new game (or continue one not too close to the end) and play. The control is then swapped any time a monster is killed or the player has had to respawn 10 times.


Kiss my Ash! – If the minigame is completed successfully everyone else takes a drink.

Is that you Nestor? – If the minigame is failed the player takes a drink before trying again.

Future Ash has a hangover – Every 2 respawns the player takes a drink.

Ms Fontaine’s fountain – Whenever the player is healing in a fountain everyone keeps drinking till they are done.

Now because sometimes the monsters are really close together this can get a bit of a heavy drinking game.

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