Thank lord for that, I didnt have to do two weeks ruuning on my own. Gow managed to drag himself away from his work to podcast this week.
No that it means this episode makes any more sense than any of the others, god I think we went of topic even more than usual this week.
However between our random ramblings about things Gow missed and the possible future of gaming we managed to get some news in and even a song.
We’re still taking suggestions for the mid podcast songs. So if you have a suggestion for song to be included in the podcast then put it in the comments of this post or send them too @DrunkenGamer or @D_Gow . They will be put on the short-list and you will be mentioned in the podcast itself when played
Anyway enjoy this episode of the Drinky Talky Thing.
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Updates on stories from last week
Sega warns users of recent ‘Sega Pass’ hack | Joystiq
18,000 BioWare Accounts Compromised in Latest Attack
Alleged LulzSec Member Arrested in the U.K.
This weeks stuff
Call of Duty Elite Beta Attracts 2 Million Sign-Ups
Bungie Aerospace Reveal Coming Soon
Psychonauts Rights Revert to Tim Schafer’s Double Fine
Double Fine obtaining Psychonauts publishing rights | Joystiq
Suda51 and Others Talk About the Evangelion Music Game
2K Games sacks PR company over Duke Nukem Forever blacklist threats « BeefJack – The Gamer’s Sauce
Duke Nukem’s Awkward PR Fallout | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Battlefield 3 console footage unveiled on latest Fallon | Joystiq
Portal 2 Sixense DLC — and actual Hydra controllers — available from Steam | Joystiq
Infinity Ward suit against Activision going to trial | Joystiq
Crysis Developer Denies Knowledge of an Xbox 360 Successor
Report: Nintendo pulled devs’ Wii U demos at E3 | Game Development | News by Develop
Fallout: Nuka Break creators raising money for full webseries | Joystiq
Rumor: Mass Effect 3 getting four-player co-op mode | Joystiq
Report: Skype logo on slide in Brazilian PlayStation Vita presentation | Joystiq
DotA 2 Maybe Possibly Might Be Free-to-Play | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Might Team Fortress 2 Go Free To Play? | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Gamasutra – News – Sony’s Tretton: PlayStation 4 Timing Not Affected By Wii U Announcement
PlayStation 4 Won’t be Rushed to Market by Wii U
Grand Theft Auto V 2012 Release “Pretty Likely” – Report
Rumor: Turbine working on console MMO? | Massively
Fox unveils Family Guy Online… really | Massively
Software Totals, Best Selling Video Games, Game Sales, Million Sellers, Top Selling – VGChartz
A new experience is launching for City of Heroes — Freedom | Massively
LEGO Universe going freemium this August | Massively
GOG selling Interplay titles for half off, including Freespace and sequel | Joystiq
Newell: Portal 2 has sold 3 million copies since launch | Joystiq
Valve interested in Wii U; ‘It fits better into our scalability model,’ says Newell | Joystiq
PopCap Being Sold To EA For $Lots Bn? | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Release News Roundup
Sonic Generations Demo Now Available | Anjel Syndicate
L.A. Noire Takes its Rightful Place on PC This Fall
Interesting reading but not recorded
Shadow of the Colossus’ lost ending | Joystiq
Gow’s Random Words
Cider and black
Songs used in this episode
Intro Remixed from WizWars – 8 Bit Raceway, which can be bought at http://wizwars.bandcamp.com/album/game-boy-rock-special-edition
The Siren by cjmaitland: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/22906
Hi Guys, Great podcast, but I was shocked to hear my song on your show, thank you so much!
Best Regards,
Not a problem, we always aim to showcase indie talent where we can. It is a good track and was a good change of pace to some of the ones we have used in previous weeks for our interval track