I can’t understand what it is about the Olympics. I really cant stand sports at the best of times but for some reason I am being drawn into it.
Take last night, despite the fact that we were actually mid recording we did turn round and start watching the 200m sprint final.
That aside I think we got a lot of stuff covered in this episode, quite a lot actually as we had two weeks worth of news to go over due to our failure last week. Gow bailed on recording at the last minute and on the rearranged recording.
But we managed to talk a little about the Ouya, about the EA vs Zynga lawsuit and even managed to fit in some Blizzard bashing. All that while still finding the chance to leave anything resembling a topic far far in the distance.
Anyway all that and much more in this episode of the Drinky Talky Thingy.
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- Email: Podcast@8bitalliance.com
- Twitter: Paddy – @DrunkenGamer Gow – @D_Gow Craig – @TurkeySaladBoy Alec – @alecrossbower
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If you want links to any of the stories we covered in the show this week, links can be found after the jump.
This weeks stuff
This weeks Releases: New Games, Newest Games – GameSpot.com
Console owners can enjoy Farming Simulator 2013 too | IncGamers.com
BioShock developer hiring based on 85% Metacritic scores -Destructoid
Gearbox: People don’t understand how DLC is made, Borderlands 2 DLC in production | IncGamers.com
Square Enix announces Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn -Destructoid
Valve, Blizzard wary of Windows 8 | Massively
Ouya to support OnLive streaming game service – GameSpot.com
Rumor: PlayStation All-Stars’ roster and stages leak -Destructoid
Age Old Question: Pegi Ratings Are Now UK Law | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Freemium is the future, says EA – GameSpot.com
Industry execs conclude that gamers like free games | Massively
PlayStation Plus gets first two Walking Dead episodes for free | IncGamers.com
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater HD first step in series return – GameSpot.com
Pictures of next-gen Xbox dev kit are reportedly genuine -Destructoid
Square Enix bringing Final Fantasy to OUYA -Destructoid
Has Bethesda acquired the STALKER rights? | IncGamers.com
Robomodo says that Tony Hawk HD 2 is a possibility -Destructoid
SWTOR is going free-to-play, subs dip below one million [Updated] | Massively
Age Of Conan Taking Pages From Secret World’s Book | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Updated Steam user agreement prevents you filing class-action lawsuits | IncGamers.com
The War Z gets a new website, 100,000 beta registrations in 24 hours | Massively
VR headset Oculus Rift Kickstarter successful on first day – GameSpot.com
Photorealism And The Confusing Myths Of Innovation | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
2K Games says photorealism is needed for innovation -Destructoid
Sony’s game division loses $45 million – GameSpot.com
ArenaNet’s Chris Lye talks about the impending death of the subscription model | Massively
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale public beta happening -Destructoid
Madden 13 and Fifa 13 for Wii U has touch enhancements -Destructoid
Left 4 Dead 2 faster on Linux than Windows, says Valve – GameSpot.com
EA suing Zynga over copyright infringement -Destructoid
EA sues Zynga, claims The Ville is a Sims Social clone – GameSpot.com
Zynga has ‘hit a wall’ – EA COO – GameSpot.com
EA Suing Zynga Over The Ville, To “Take A Stand” | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
EA is ‘playing with fire’ in Zynga suit, says legal expert – GameSpot.com
EA vs. Zynga: Zynga hits back, says EA is a copycat too -Destructoid
EA vs. Zynga: EA thanks gamers for support -Destructoid
Valve References “Next-Gen” Source 2 In Filmmaker Files | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
PS3 ‘collections’ series adds God of War and Infamous | IncGamers.com
GameStop says 70% of used games income goes to new games -Destructoid
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed gets Bonus Edition -Destructoid
OUYA teams up with XBMC, TuneIn ahead of Kickstarter end -Destructoid
Ouya in talks with Namco Bandai, supports 4 controllers -Destructoid
Open The Floodgates: Steam To Sell Non-Gaming Software | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
THQ cancels inSANE, returns rights to Guillermo del Toro -Destructoid
Podcast Extras
Final Darksiders II trailer gets to know Death -Destructoid
RIFT community team answers (almost) anything | Massively
The Banner Saga Reveals First Combat Shot | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Out(break): A Virus Named TOM | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
The Slightly Less Elderly Scrolls: Morrowind Overhaul 3.0 | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Forge shares alpha gameplay, launches ‘Kick-finish’ campaign [Video] | IncGamers.com
Two girls, one Kickstarter: Project Giana Sisters -Destructoid
Here’s another look at Rambo: The Video Game -Destructoid
Suggest a name for the Abe’s Oddysee HD remake! -Destructoid
Dishonored attends an extremely weird party [Images] | IncGamers.com
End of Nations outlines Heroes and Mercenaries in a new video | Massively
LittleBigPlanet Karting officially dated: November 6 -Destructoid
Player banks $10,000 with Diablo III | Massively
Popular mod DayZ to become standalone game -Destructoid
Songs used in this episode
Original Intro Remixed from WizWars – 8 Bit Raceway, which can be bought at http://wizwars.bandcamp.com/album/game-boy-rock-special-edition
New Intro Remixed from Drunken Sailor Metal Remix by DarkmasterXIII
Now You’re A Hero by Reachground – Now you’re a hero