Drinky Talky Thingy Podcast #129: Waiting for Bubbles

This really was the most terrifying sound in my childhood!
This really was the most terrifying sound in my childhood!

Maybe if I make mention of the sonic drowning in the podcast title and as the featured image – Gow will stop bringing it up!

I doubt it but it is worth at least trying!

This week we seemed a little more on topic than we have been in the past, not completely of course that would be madness.

Topics this week included everything from how much the X-Box One controller cost to developer and the EA Humble Bundle, to the announcement of Volume and some Kickstarters worth looking at.

Anyway all that and much more in this episode of the Drinky Talky Thingy.


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We also welcome your contact about anything you want to talk to us about – From suggestions for stories to recommendations for mid podcast songs, Hell you can even just hurl insults at us if you so wish. Below is a list of the ways you can contact us. Send us a sound clip and we will even bung it in the show.

You can even if you so wish buy us gifts of beers and sweeties via our Amazon wishlist, doing so will make you the sponsor of that show and as a result we will say almost anything you ask us to during the show. Amazon.co.uk: Drinky Talky Thing

This Weeks Stuff

 Mike Bithell announces new game: Volume

The Pirate Bay launches censorship-bypassing web browser | Games industry news | MCV

Storybricks and Voxel Farm: The indie contribution to EQ Next

DuckTales Remastered on Wii U to also get a retail box?

Say goodbye to Microsoft Points with the next 360 update

More details on the Amazon console surface

This is the Grand Theft Auto V online reveal

Dropping yen: Sony’s PS4 profits may struggle early

Beyond Good And EAvil: The Humble Origin Bundle

Audiosurf Air Coming To Steam Early Access Next Month

Xbox One boss Phil Spencer to give gamescom keynote

Oh really? Xbox One will function without Kinect, says MS

Who wants 3D printed Final Fantasy VII figures? ME!

Microsoft adjusts Xbox One launch markets from 21 to 13

StarCraft Universe appeals to Kickstarter audience for help

Kickstar(craf)ter: StarCraft Universe Goes To Kickstarter

Rockstar reveals Grand Theft Auto Online

Video Games Live takes to Kickstarter to fund third album

Xbox One’s $100M controller won’t work with PCs yet

Diablo III teaser suggests expansion name is Reaper of Souls [Updated]

Stealth Tactical Heisting: Mike Bithell’s Volume

Humans have spent 2.85 million years playing Call of Duty

Is Rockstar announcing a GTA MMO?

Extra Time

Grin maker: Wind Waker HD is beyond delightful 

This fan made Half-Life 3 teaser trailer is pretty great

Game reviews delivered while eating habaneros

World of Warcraft’s 5.4 trailer features Orc on Panda violence, boats

Songs used in this episode

Title music Drunken Sailor by Doctor Octoroc used with permission. Check out more of his music over at http://www.doctoroctoroc.com/– Do it now!

A Town to Trust by SpikeVallentine

Krushendo (K. Rool III) by Lashmush

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