Drinky Talky Thingy Podcast #123: Everything is back to normal, including the failures

The Claws ran in Logans family, but not every sibling was treated equally
The Claws ran in Logans family, but not every sibling was treated equally

I am starting to believe that Gow is bad luck.

Two weeks without him and all the tech works fine, this week he is back and both cameras and sound goes screwy.

Ahh well business as usual then!

This week while fighting the camera, we discovered what type of anime Gow watches, Discussed the downfall of DarkSpore, Lamented some more for Nintendo & even had time to talk for a bit about Warcraft.

Anyway all that and much more in this episode of the Drinky Talky Thingy.


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We also welcome your contact about anything you want to talk to us about – From suggestions for stories to recommendations for mid podcast songs, Hell you can even just hurl insults at us if you so wish. Below is a list of the ways you can contact us. Send us a sound clip and we will even bung it in the show.

You can even if you so wish buy us gifts of beers and sweeties via our Amazon wishlist, doing so will make you the sponsor of that show and as a result we will say almost anything you ask us to during the show. Amazon.co.uk: Drinky Talky Thing

This Weeks Stuff

Nintendo denied Wii U domain in cybersquatting case – GameSpot.com

Injustice DLC quietly slides onto Wii U eShop – Destructoid

Rumor: Mario Kart 8 drifts onto Wii U in April 2014 – Destructoid

Double Fine taking Broken Age to Steam Early Access – Destructoid

EA: Re-establishing Origin, making EA games better – Destructoid

Microsoft boss Don Mattrick leaving to head up Zynga – Destructoid

Xbox One may run Windows 8 apps – Destructoid

The end of typing out codes: Xbox One can scan via Kinect – Destructoid

Pitchford encourages Aliens: Colonial Marines PR tactics – Destructoid

Thackers: You’d Better Change Your Ubisoft Passwords

‘I think we killed a genre’ with WoW, says Red 5 CEO – Destructoid

Legendary don’t want to “screw it up” with World of Warcraft movie | IncGamers.com

Darkspore’s woes foretell a grim future for SimCity and ‘cloud’ gaming | IncGamers.com

‘Low Violence Version’ of Saints Row IV found on Steam – Destructoid

Gran Turismo 6 demo now available – GameSpot.com

Every PlayStation 4 comes bundled with The Playroom – GameSpot.com

Gamers urge Nintendo for a playable Zelda – Destructoid

Extra Time

Free PC game Ripple Dot Zero is Sonic mixed with Strider – Destructoid

Hulk smashes everything in this Grand Theft Auto IV mod – Destructoid

Beautiful infographic charts all of Valve’s voice actors – Destructoid

PlayStation Plus gets Battlefield 3 for free – Destructoid

Songs used in this episode

Title music Drunken Sailor by Doctor Octoroc used with permission. Check out more of his music over at http://www.doctoroctoroc.com/– Do it now!

GaMetal – Smash Bros Brawl by TheJonnyDeath & JonnyAtma

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