Apologies to anyone who only listens to the audio version of this podcast, the title of this podcast will not matter to you.
However for the few YouTube viewers and me, Fuck Canon and Fuck the FAT32 file system.
As a result of limitations of that filesystem that I did not know my camera was using only 17 minutes of the podcast has video footage.
But the tech is not why you guys are here is it, its gaming news you are after and we have a pile of stuff. From the X-Box One to the PS4, some Square Enix stuff and even a mention of Zynga, we covered the whole gamut of gaming news and even found time to talk about Ping Pong Shows and American Murder Laws.
Anyway all that and much more in this episode of the Drinky Talky Thingy.
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We also welcome your contact about anything you want to talk to us about – From suggestions for stories to recommendations for mid podcast songs, Hell you can even just hurl insults at us if you so wish. Below is a list of the ways you can contact us. Send us a sound clip and we will even bung it in the show.
- Email: Podcast@8bitalliance.com
- Twitter: Podcast – @8bitalliance
- Paddy – @DrunkenGamer
- Gow – @D_Gow
- Craig – @TurkeySaladBoy
- Alec – @alecrossbower
- Facebook: Drinky Talky Thingy Podcast
You can even if you so wish buy us gifts of beers and sweeties via our Amazon wishlist, doing so will make you the sponsor of that show and as a result we will say almost anything you ask us to during the show. Amazon.co.uk: Drinky Talky Thing
If you want links to any of the stories we covered in the show this week, links can be found after the jump.
This Weeks Stuff
Microsoft spending $1 billion on Xbox One games – Destructoid
MMOs don’t work in the US, Take-Two CEO says – Destructoid
The legendary Atari E.T. landfill is getting excavated – Destructoid
Oculus Rift co-founder struck and killed by speeding car – Destructoid
Xbox One development began in late 2010 – GameSpot.com
Microsoft ’rounding up answers’ on Xbox One’s DRM stance – GameSpot.com
Rhode Island House panel launching inquiry into 38 Studios – GameSpot.com
Tetris creator launches new game – GameSpot.com
Bad Company series isn’t ‘in active development’ – Destructoid
World of Warcraft film set to shoot in 2014 | Massively
Dev needs to go through Greenlight even with a publisher – Destructoid
Pachter predicts $349 PlayStation 4, $399 Xbox One – Destructoid
Pachter: Wii U may be stuck with only first-party games – Destructoid
Wii U Basic stock being ‘rebalanced,’ not discontinued – GameSpot.com
DuckTales Remastered confirmed for PC – GameSpot.com
Zynga shutting down Draw Something developer OMGPOP – Destructoid
Zynga’s “Walking Dead” Must Train Their Replacements or Lose Severance
Deus Ex: The Fall is a mobile title – Destructoid
Blizzard introduces ‘Spawning’ feature to StarCraft II – Destructoid
Diablo III coming to Xbox 360 right along with the PS3 and PS4 | Massively
Podcast Extras
New Elder Scrolls Online video shows off gameplay | Massively
Weegee’s my homeboy! More New Super Luigi U footage – Destructoid
Marvel Heroes’ Chronicles of Doom reaches its epic conclusion | Massively
Watch Dogs’ mocap aims to capture the little details – Destructoid
Scorpion confirmed for Injustice: Gods Among Us – Destructoid
Metro Last Light Mobius trailer features stunning visuals | IncGamers.com
Door Kickers Quietly Posts A Demo To Your Letterbox | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Metro Last Light Mobius trailer features stunning visuals | IncGamers.com
Quackaroonie! Two new DuckTales Remastered videos – Destructoid
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes is a ton of fun – Destructoid
Songs used in this episode
Title music Drunken Sailor by Doctor Octoroc used with permission. Check out more of his music over at http://www.doctoroctoroc.com/– Do it now!