Good news everyone, both hosts were here this week.
There was also a hell of a lot to cover in this weeks show, prime amongst them was the announcement of the PS4.
Yes Sony came out and publicly told us what we actually knew, their new console is on its way but managed to forget to bring the damn thing along to the show.
However we did find lots of other news for you, from Ubisoft being dicks about the release of Rayman Legends to details on an extremely expensive graphics card & even the return of the tamagotchi!
Anyway all that and much more in this episode of the Drinky Talky Thingy.
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If you want links to any of the stories we covered in the show this week, links can be found after the jump.
PlayStation 4
PlayStation may have just sent $10 to your PSN account – Destructoid
Sony officially announce PlayStation 4 for holiday 2013! – Destructoid
Sony shows off Unreal Engine 4 during the PS4 event – Destructoid
PS4: Digital titles playable AS they download – Destructoid
Sony reveals DualShock 4 – Destructoid
Knack announced for PS4 – Destructoid
Gaikai CEO announces instant streaming through the PS4 – Destructoid
PlayStation 4 social features revealed – Destructoid
PS Vita to be ‘ultimate companion device’ for PS4 – Destructoid
Killzone: Shadow Fall announced for PS4! – Destructoid
Evolution Studios announces DriveClub for the PS4 – Destructoid
inFamous: Second Son announced for PS4 – Destructoid
Quantic Dream using PS4 to advance ugly man technology – Destructoid
Capcom debuts a new engine and new PS4 game ‘Deep Down’ – Destructoid
Media Molecule realizing PlayStation Move’s potential – Destructoid
Square Enix confirms new Final Fantasy game for PS4 – Destructoid
These are just some of the third-parties working with PS4 – Destructoid
Watch Dogs coming to PlayStation 4 – Destructoid
Oddworld developer announces PS4 title – Destructoid
Sony stock dives after PS4 reveal [Update 2] – Destructoid
First look at Diablo III running on PlayStation 3 – Destructoid
More details on the PlayStation 4 Eye and DualShock 4 – Destructoid
PSN purchases will not carry over to PS4 (Update) – Destructoid
This Weeks Stuff
‘Fans’ FURIOUS over Rayman Legends PS3/360 news – Destructoid
Ubisoft tries to explain Rayman Legends delay – Destructoid
Dry your tears! New Wii U-only Rayman Legends demo coming – Destructoid
Rayman Legends developers want their game out now! – Destructoid
Ubisoft has a Rayman Legends bonus for Wii U players – Destructoid
Tank! Tank! Tank! is now free-to-play in Europe – Destructoid
The Amazing Spider-Man: Ultimate Edition is Wii U bound – Destructoid
Kotick: Rising next-gen dev costs inevitable | Game Development | News by Develop
Activision Fire 30, To Make Fewer Licensed Games | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
EA And Zynga’s Legal Battle Ends With A Whimper | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
EA wants used games gone, but admits their benefits – Destructoid
Forget tickets! This arcade game gives you beer! – Destructoid
Lace Mamba Acknowledge Reporting & Accounting Issues | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Indie Devs’ Open Letter Claims Issues With Lace Mamba | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Not To Be Confused With Molyjam: Mojang’s Mojam 2 | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Nexon announces Ghost in the Shell online FPS | Massively
After 275 weeks, weekly Rock Band DLC ceases in April – Destructoid
It’s The: Brütal Legend PC Announcement Trailer | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Randy Pitchford has only time for Colonial Marines praise – Destructoid
NVIDIA’s Most Preposterous Graphics Card Ever | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Alleged Aliens Colonial Marines dev on developent problems
Gearbox ‘looking at’ an explanation for Colonial Marines – Destructoid
Tamagotchi now pooping all over Android devices – Destructoid
Pachter predicts PS3 price plummet – Destructoid
Pachter: Nintendo may not recover from Wii U mistake – Destructoid
Pachter talks more about Nintendo’s Wii U ‘mistake’ – Destructoid
StarCraft Universe prologue goes live on Battle.net | Massively
BlizzCon returns in November | Massively
Wii U Pro Controller can now be used on a PC / Mac – Destructoid
New Super Luigi U announced for Wii U eShop in 2013 – Destructoid
Bungie’s Destiny: Always-online console shooter revealed | Massively
Podcast Extras
PS4 Announcement – Abridged Version – YouTube
Mortal Kombat: Legacy season 2 features a Hollywood actor – Destructoid
Watch PC graphics evolve over two hours – Destructoid
The alphabet of ‘Game Overs’ in comic strip form – Destructoid
The best gun ever makes a return in Dead Space 3 – Destructoid
True Grit: Our First Glimpse Of Wasteland 2 | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Tomb Raider gets an 11-minute gameplay video – Destructoid
First glimpse of Dreamfall Chapters in motion – Destructoid
Watch Aquaman, Shazam, Joker, and more fight in Injustice – Destructoid
New BioShock Infinite video invokes classic mythology – Destructoid
Laura Shigihara made another Skyward Sword vocal mix – Destructoid
BioShock Infinite gets a new Lamb of Columbia trailer – Destructoid
Songs used in this episode
Title music Drunken Sailor by Doctor Octoroc used with permission. Check out more of his music over at http://www.doctoroctoroc.com/– Do it now!