WOW! Did I used to record these things on my own & sober?
With Gow away skiing in France & Craig living it up state-side at GDC – I was left completely without a co-host for the first time this year.
There were several people who offered to co-host, and I thank them all for their offers to help. Unfortunately being my last week at Omerta, I had to put in some extra time to get some things wrapped up. This meant a later than normal start to recording.
To everyone that offered I will contact you about co-hosting in the future as I have always thought about including guest hosts in the show.
So despite being shorter than normal and not really having as much randomness as normal – I hope you still enjoy this weeks episode.
So without further stalling, here it is.
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Updates on stories from the last episode
Hopefully a final wrap up on the whole Bulletstorm story, RockPaperShotgun managed to get a response from the last of the experts in the original article. While he stands by what he said, that is fine as he firmly believes it – he says he’s in no way against the game as long as its played by the people it was aimed at
Bulletstormgate: Weichman Clarifies Position | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
This weeks stuff
Well we knew the Bizzare Creations guys would do well – a bunch of them have founded thier own studio Lucid Games
Former Bizarre employees create ‘Lucid Games’ | Joystiq
It seems that Ubisoft are learning, they have dropped the always connected DRM – it will still need a login but after that you can play offline for Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood
Good: Brotherhood Will Be “Playable Offline” | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Seems that Take-Two registered a bunch of domains that could point to GTA 5 being underway, if they do these are obviously for ingame jokes.
New Grand Theft Auto 5 Domains Registered?
Well it seems Zynga’s money does not get them out of everythign and they have had to settle on the maffia wars case
Zynga settles Mafia Wars lawsuit | Games Industry | MCV
Two great bits of games development news, but the Unreal & Gamespy development kits have increased the royalty threshold on their licences – which could be great for indie dev’s
Epic to show new Unreal Engine 3 updates at GDC, raises UDK royalty-free threshold to $50K | Joystiq
GameSpy making multiplayer tech free for smaller-scale titles | Joystiq
Some lucky members of the gaming press got to see some more footage of the upcoming Arkham City – giving us a lot of insights
Batman: Arkham City Preview for PC, PS3, 360, Game from
They really will turn anything into an MMO – apparently there is work happening on a Dr Who MMO
BBC and Three Rings readying Doctor Who online multiplayer title | Massively
Mythos is getting close to finally launching again – Open beta has finally been announced
Open beta en route for Mythos Europe | Massively
Seems that the lawsuit between LG & Sony over patents has actually resulted in all PS3 shipments into Europe being seized
PS3 shipments blocked in Europe as LG wins preliminary injunction | Joystiq
Intro Remixed from WizWars – 8 Bit Raceway, which can be bought at