Drinky Talky Thing 2011 #14

Poor guy scribbles on a wall to warn you, but still gets nailed by some turrets.

Now here’s the thing, Gow did tell me I had to start this post with a word – but for the life of me I cant remember what it is.

I think it was one of the random word that he didn’t quite manage to fit in.

Anyway, this week saw Gow returning after a week off with some form of plague and the good news is the podcast got back to full length again.

So with all my needed stalling done enjoy this weeks podcast.

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Updates on stories from last week

Patcher disputes Zampella & West claim they will get half the MW rights
Pachter: West, Zampella have no chance of getting Modern Warfare rights | Joystiq

Sony say NGP will not be delayed by the quake
NGP Launch Not Impacted by Quake, Sony Now Claims

One indie developer to remove their game from impulse in response to the gamestop buyout
Star Ruler to be taken off Impulse in protest against GameStop takeover | Joystiq

This weeks stuff

A set of dedicated indie developers remade Streets of Rage over 8 years – Sega asked for it to be taken online after a week
Streets of Rage Remake was eight years in the (re)making | Joystiq
Streets of Rage Remake taken down | Joystiq

Rockstar say they have no plans for a GTA movie and of they did it would be made in-house or only with top talent
GTA Movie Would be Made by Rockstar or with Top Talent

The sun claims thousands of 3DS’s returned due to causing headaches – retailers listed call bullshit
Retailers shoot down claims of 3DS returns prompted by headaches | Joystiq

HD video of the unreal tech emerges
VIDEO: Unreal Engine 3’s new tricks | Game Development | News by Develop

Gran truismo clothing line? What and how
Gran Turismo goes from racing lines to clothing line | Joystiq

There is a new sonic game on the way and it looks like it will star the classic podgy sonic
New Sonic the Hedgehog game revealed, speeding to Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 | Joystiq

Mass effect the get a full length amine film
Mass Effect anime jumps home in 2012 | Joystiq

New Commodore 64 in production
New Commodore 64 Priced Wait What? | Rock, Paper, Shotgun

Portal 2 Comic

New version of Still Alive being recorded
Coulton recording new version of ‘Still Alive,’ Sara (of Tegan and Sara) involved | Joystiq

Valve are doing a massive ARG for Portal 2
Valve PotatoFoolsDay ARG Wiki – Valve ARG

Sony & Geohot settle out of court
Sony and PlayStation 3 jailbreaker George Hotz settle out of court | Joystiq

Game soundtracks now to be officially recognised at the gammys
Grammy Awards to formally recognize ‘video game music’ for several awards | Joystiq

Freemium model heading to XBLA
Free-to-Play Games Headed to Xbox 360 – Report

Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition DLC & PC Version dated
Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition confirmed June 7 as DLC; retail product June 28 NA, June 24 Europe [update] | Joystiq

World of goo iPhone out tomorrow
World of Goo iPhone out this Thursday | Joystiq

Twisted Metal gets a release date
Twisted Metal to darken the holiday season with Oct. 4 launch | Joystiq

Mortal kombat web show started yesterday
Mortal Kombat web series to debut on April 12 | Joystiq

Gow’s Random Words

Snot rocket, Heelybobgerrokavitch, Mullagatawne Trev, Heamaglobin, muddy nuggets, Thiolene

Intro Remixed from WizWars – 8 Bit Raceway, which can be bought at http://wizwars.bandcamp.com/album/game-boy-rock-special-edition

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