Drinky Talky Thing 2011 #11

Only Gow could be this bad at pouring a pint

Maybe I am just getting better at picking the news stories.
Perhaps there is just more news to cover.
More likely that we start drinking before the recording starts now.

Whatever the reason these podcasts are getting longer each week. This weeks nearly broke the 2 hour mark.

For that reason we would like to hear from any of our listeners.

If you think there is anything we could do better, anything we should perhaps cut, even anything you think we should add – leave us a message in the comments.

Now without further blurb, here is this weeks podcast

You can also subscribe Podcast on iTunes


Updates on stories from last week

Well we know the release date of Arkham City now, We’ve seen the gameplay and now we have the preorder bonuses for the US
Batman: Arkham City pre-orders at GameStop include challenge maps | Joystiq

As well as there there is news that Rocksteady has signed exclusive 2 year deal to use only the unreal engine
Warner Bros signs long-term Unreal Engine deal | Game Development | News by Develop

This weeks stuff

Rift had a week of account security issues till on player stepped forward and pointed out a major flaw – he has since been given a lifetime account
Rift account security issue discovered | Rift Craft – Crafting and Profession Guides

For various reasons MotorStorm got pushed back, first to an unannounced date but eventually to the 31st march
Motorstorm: Apocalypse launch postponed in UK | Joystiq
MotorStorm Apocalypse gets March 31 release date in UK | Joystiq

Duke Nukems Capture the flag mode replaces the flag with a babe
Duke Nukem Forever’s ‘Capture the Babe’ mode is a slap in the face | Joystiq

Rockstar have decided that there will be no Special edition version of LA Noire
No LA Noire special edition for you, gumshoe | Joystiq

Valve decided that they are going to make their own adverts for Portal 2
Valve: Ad agencies almost ‘worthless’ | Games Industry | MCV

Gaming Bafta’s – Completely predictable as always but worth a mention
Call of Duty: Black Ops takes public-voted BAFTA | News

Bioware developer posted a user review on metacritic and got called out for it
EA plays down BioWare stealth-review fiasco | Game Development | News by Develop

Ubisoft really cant get the hang of this piracy thing can they
Oh, Ubisoft: Torrented Their Own Music? | Rock, Paper, Shotgun

A full ‘Teachers Pack’ of levels are being made so that LBP2 can be used for educational purposes
LittleBigPlanet Wants to Teach You Math and Science

Gameloft clone yet another game on the iPhone, this time WOW
Gameloft brings WoW-like ‘Order and Chaos Online’ to iOS | Joystiq

After some bad outings letting other port their games to the PC Red faction creators are bringing it back in-house
Volition returns to in-house PC development | Joystiq

Swarm out this month
Swarm priced at $15, marches to Euro PSN on March 30 | Joystiq

Captain America release date
Captain America: Super Soldier taking aim at July release date | Joystiq

Frank Peirce says D3 may steal some of WoW’s Playerbase
Forget Titan; WoW Faces a More Imminent Cannibalization

EA devs take the obligatory swing at WoW
Unlike WoW, The Old Republic isn’t Like a “Shopping List”

Judges say not to EA’s appeal to get themselves removes from the IW case
Judge: Activision’s suit against EA and former IW heads can proceed | Joystiq

Interplay were trying to make a Fallout film after the first game
Wastedland: The Axed Fallout Movie | Rock, Paper, Shotgun

EA Games president Frank Gibeau says that the Fox controversy is not only helpful for bulletstorm, it’s something that companies should actively seek.
Fox News-Style Controversy Should be “Courted”

Gows Random Words
flobbernob, Boggle, hoobstank, Sleazy, Vajazzle, rød, grød med fløde

Intro Remixed from WizWars – 8 Bit Raceway, which can be bought at http://wizwars.bandcamp.com/album/game-boy-rock-special-edition

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