The Secret World by Funcom is an MMO that is set in modern times, but a modern times where all the mysterious and weird things are real. Zombies, Lovecraftian Lore, Secret Cults & much more besides is there for the exploration.
Now I have done a written Preview over at Thirteen1 (http://www.thirteen1.com/Issues/Daily/250512/mag.php#4) based on my time in the Beta the other weekend. However I wanted to put a 30 Second Preview out there as well.
I really should have known better though, there is no way you can boil an MMO Preview into just 30 seconds, no matter how many times you try. So I decided that it was better to simply stop trying and dedicate and entire weeks worth of videos to the game.
So all of next weeks 30 Second Previews will be on the various elements of The Secret World that need to be covered.