It is that time of the week again, when in to get warmed up ready for the podcast we ramble about a chosen topic. Before we got onto this weeks topic we did however have to handle the comments of the Listeners/Viewers of last weeks show – Which Gaming Buzzword or term do you hate most?
Here are a selection of the comments
- FaceBook:
- Stuart Renton: Dislikes the MMO Terms like ‘Tank’ being used in Normal RPG’s
- Alec Ross-Bower: Overuse of the term Immersive
- Dan Allen: Misuse of the term Indie
- Mosh Miller: The Lie that is Level-Less
As always we then went on to have a good old fashion natter about this weeks topic which was What is your take on the Destructiod ‘HUGE’ Program?
For more information on the program itself you can check out the detailed on this link:
Basically its a Sub service to remove adverts and perks from the Destructoid site. Both Me and Gow are interested in the idea, however Gow is not sure of its Long-Term Viability. Personally I like the idea for the fact it will mean the site no longer has to write articles based on how many page views it will get.
So, What about it guys & gals?
Let us know in the comments below which is your favourite and suggest a possible question for the next Talking Point, please do as I seem bad at picking them myself. Everything is fair game, from politics to movies, music to games, hell we will even discuss our favourite womble if you so desire it.