While my natural gaming home may be the RPG & RTS genres, one other type that I like to dip into now and again is arcade racing – it has to be arcade racing because the hyper-realistic racing games just don’t do it for me; I want to be on the track driving, not picking the right set of tires, altering the wheel balance and all that real nonsense.
Throw in explosions and the ability destroy the opponents and I’m in hogs heaven.
So when I finally got my hands on Split/Second, I had to go for the full set Explosions, Enemy Destruction & Alcohol, and, of course, create a drinking game for it.
Before I get to the rules as always I like to remind readers new and old that when I refer to a ‘Drink’, I have a solid gulp of beer so that I can enjoy my gaming for longer, but you all know your own drinking limits so it’s up to you what you choose to drink.
Down and Out – If Wrecked by another player One Drink for each level of power-play they use.
Show Stopper – On activating a level two power-play, have One Drink for every person you wreck.
Dead Air – If you activate a power-play and fail to wreck anyone, have One Drink for each level of power-play.
Tom-Tom – One Drink if you use your power-play to change the route.
Drunk Driver – One Drink for being silly enough to wreck yourself.
Suffice to say that in rather a frantic game it is really possible to miss you punishment – but fear not you can skip some and still classify this as a Heavy Drinking game