Well, after a bit of a siesta (or thirty) I’m back with new tunes to warm your ear holes. Being stuck in a hotel with crappy WiFi for a month is no joke….
ANYway, this little ditty was made for a YouTube commentator, but I choose to use it as a well-rounded example of the Call of Duty (CoD) player base. Basically, everyone and their grandmother has something like this song flow through their head just before beginning a new session.
That is, until some ‘L33T’ person shows up to completely destroy you, your life, and that controller you threw through the monitor…
*Ahem* Enjoy!
Call of Duty Song by Ereez
[powerpress url=”http://paddyfellows.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/426165_Bring_on_the_Thunde.mp3″]
The Artists Newgrounds Profile: Ereez