All the way back in Drinky Talky Thingy Podcast #114, Myself and Gow pondered why a proper first person MMO had not been released. While it started in the context of an MMO FPS, we eventually came round to just first person in general MMOs as well.
Eventually this lead to an idea. initially it was a dungeon run in World of Warcraft in the first person view, however after checking youtube and finding that there really were next to no videos of WoW in the first person I decided to expand a little.
As a result here is the first video in a new series of videos where I will play out the starting zones of the various races of Azeroth in the first person view. These zones will be familiar to so many that maybe these videos will give you a whole new perspective on them.
To get the party started I have gone for the combination I know the least about in this game, Worgen & Warlock.
So say hello to Fpwarlock as he takes his first steps into the world
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