Well it is now officially 2012, the year when its all supposed to end if your one of those idiots that buy into the whole Mayan calendar bullshit.
The world will not end, I promise you. Mayan Calenders go way beyond 2012 for a start (in fact there is little evidence of one that stops there) but inferring end of the world from a calender – why you may as well use Dec 31st every year!
However, that’s not why you are here is it?
Well you will be happy to hear that a podcast was recorded and as much as things change, mostly they stay the same
This week saw our old friend Craig ‘TurkeySaladBoy’ Albeck taking on the role of co-host via skype from all the way down in London.
Gow is still having to take some time out from recording to look after his better half, but you will be happy to hear she is on the road to recovery. We wish her all the best.
But even though we were not in the same room, Craig & I managed to get quite a lot of the last weeks gaming news covered – things like the SOPA bullshit, The Ocean Marketting retard, New Wii U Appstore Rumors & a lot more besides.
Anyway enjoy this episode of the Drinky Talky Thingy.
You can also subscribe Podcast on iTunes
We also welcome your contact about anything you want to talk to us about – From suggestions for stories to recommendations for mid podcast songs, Hell you can even just hurl insults at us if you so desire. Below is a list of the ways you can contact us.
- Email: Podcast@Drunken-Gamer.com
- Twitter: Paddy – @DrunkenGamer Gow – @D_Gow Craig – @TurkeySaladBoy
- Facebook: Drinky Talky Thingy Podcast
Updates on stories from last week
Hangovers Suck!
This weeks stuff
Patent points to next Xbox having DVR functions -Destructoid
New rules: Xbox Live Indie Games can be bigger, cost less -Destructoid
Analyst claims that Star Wars: The Old Republic points to a healthy MMO market | Massively
N-control fires Ocean Marketing -Destructoid
Man buys virtual sword for unreleased game, pays $16,000 -Destructoid
Twisted Metal on PS3 Comes With A Surprise – PlayStation 3 News at IGN
Konami punishes woman for getting pregnant, gets sued -Destructoid
Longing for an iOS gamepad? 60beat would like a word -Destructoid
Mineways is here to help you print Minecraft models in 3D -Destructoid
Multiverse shuts down: Firefly, Buffy MMOs officially dead | Massively
New rumor pins the Wii U as being an e-reader -Destructoid
Report: Wii U To Have Dedicated App Store – Wii News at IGN
EA, Nintendo and Sony retract SOPA support | Game Development | News by Develop
ESA still fully backs SOPA, issues statement of support -Destructoid
Bethesda vs. Interplay case finally settled | Massively
God of War IV spotted on composer’s resume, OH GAWD! -Destructoid
Selections from Guinness World Records 2012 Gamers Ed. -Destructoid
Retrode console brings legitimacy to emulation -Destructoid
Steam Passes Five Million Concurrent Users | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Release Date Roundup
Epic Mickey 2 announced for 360, PS3 and Wii | IncGamers
Podcast Extras
Half-Life movie mock-up posters are Batman-y -Destructoid
(Probably fake) miniature Wipeout track is too cool -Destructoid
Songs used in this episode
Intro Remixed from WizWars – 8 Bit Raceway, which can be bought at http://wizwars.bandcamp.com/album/game-boy-rock-special-edition