Well another week another episode of the podcast and boy was it a good one – after months of chasing him to come back and join us, we were finally rejoined by the legendary TurkeySaladBoy.
It is always a good laugh to get Craig involved because he brings such a different take on gaming, being the only one of us that really still works in the industry. It also gives us a new take on some of our old arguments.
Oh, and the reason the podcast picture this week is actually a video – well part way through the show I messed about with the Just Dance 3: Autodance App and made one of the most epic videos of Gow & Craig you are ever likely to see.
Were all still growing Moustaches for Movember so you want to help us in our good cause then you can donate to us for our madness at http://mobro.co/DrunkenGamer.
Anyway on to the podcast and as always links to almost all the topics covered in tonight’s show are available after the jump.
Also as always we are still taking suggestions for the mid podcast songs. So if you have a suggestion for song to be included in the podcast then put it in the comments of this post or send them too @DrunkenGamer or @D_Gow . They will be put on the short-list and you will be mentioned in the podcast itself when played
Anyway enjoy this episode of the Drinky Talky Thingy.
You can also subscribe Podcast on iTunes
Also for while now listeners have been asking for a way to buy us a beer and help us get drunk for their amusement, well now we have found a way. We have set up an Amazon wish list full of beer and sugary things that you can send to us (trust us were just as funny hyper as drunk). Anyone that does so can send any message with their beer and we will say it in the show. Amazon.co.uk: Drinky Talky Thing
Updates on stories from last week
Saints Row: The Third PS3 Buyers Get Saints Row 2 for Free
EA sued over lack of Battlefield 1943 in Battlefield 3 -Destructoid
PS3 Battlefield 3 players to get free BF 1943 – Battlefield 3 for PS3 News
This weeks stuff
Happy 59th birthday, Shigeru Miyamoto! -Destructoid
Unidentified Furry Objects; puppets from space -Destructoid
Sins of a Solar Empire now on Steam, more Stardock coming -Destructoid
Big Head Mode in Batman: Arkham City is pretty ridiculous -Destructoid
Xbox 720 dev kits ‘available by December’ | Game Development | News by Develop
Sony studio ‘ends PS3 work for next-gen project’ | Game Development | News by Develop
Two parents actually called their child Dovahkiin -Destructoid
Assassin’s Creed 3 location will be Egypt? | IncGamers
Why Assassin’s Creed III could be set in China -Destructoid
Lawyers advise Carmack to rewrite Doom 3 code | Game Development | News by Develop
Six charitable Scots play Horde Mode on Insane for 48hrs -Destructoid
Square Enix licenses Unreal Engine 3 for multiple games -Destructoid
Good Old Games to Stop Exclusively Focusing on Old Games
Kojima cover story in OPM confirms Metal Gear Solid 5 -Destructoid
Kojima to Share Metal Gear Solid 5 Details Soon
Grasshopper Manufacture helping students make Vita games -Destructoid
So many buttons: SteelSeries’ new PC Racing controller -Destructoid
Cutscenes ruin story-driven games – BioShock’s Ken Levine « BeefJack – The Gamer’s Sauce
Lord Of Time Craft: Doctor Who MMO | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Telltale employees caught reviewing Jurassic Park -Destructoid
Telltale devs caught abusing Metacritic user score | Game Development | News by Develop
Rockstar tease Bully sequel | IncGamers
Bohemia Interactive claims 100 pirates for every 3 buyers -Destructoid
Scrolls to be Multiplatform, Persistently Online? – PC News at IGN
Publishers back Blockbuster rentals to fight used games -Destructoid
Max Payne 3 Special Edition Only Available Until January 15
No Yolk: Dizzy’s Back | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
The Sun warns world of ‘Xbox Cyber Fraud’ -Destructoid
New Beyond Good & Evil 2 Details and Art Emerge – Xbox Generation 3 News at IGN
Release Date Roundup
Final SWTOR beta weekend targeting November 25th – 28th | Massively
NeverDead release date is 2 February 2012 | IncGamers
Eligium closed beta date announced | IncGamers
Torchlight 2 release date slips | IncGamers
Trenched Abandons its Name in Favor of Iron Brigade on November 30
Fallout: New Vegas graphic novel now available to us all -Destructoid
Jak and Daxter Collection Heads to PS3 in HD Next February
Mythos returns as Mythos Global, closed beta starting December 1st | Massively
Xbox 360 dashboard updates December 6 – News at GameSpot
Throw money at it: The Humble Introversion Bundle -Destructoid
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive closed beta from November 30th « BeefJack – The Gamer’s Sauce
Podcast Extras
Female Link + violin virtuosity = DAMN! -Destructoid
The great Zelda musical tribute celebration! Day four! -Destructoid
Diablo 3 mod makes the game more gloomy | IncGamers
You gonna buy all the games? -Destructoid
Hmm… I think we’ve got time for one more Zelda rap -Destructoid
Fan-made Halo miniseries coming in January 2012 -Destructoid
World of Warcraft ‘law enforcement guide’ leaked, new commercial released | Massively
Modded Skylanders toys are even MORE awesome -Destructoid
14k Starman pendant to be auctioned off for Child’s Play -Destructoid
End of Nations shots show super weapons | IncGamers
Ezio gets all stop-motiony in this fan animation -Destructoid
Jagex unveils new RuneScape website | Massively
Songs used in this episode
Intro Remixed from WizWars – 8 Bit Raceway, which can be bought at http://wizwars.bandcamp.com/album/game-boy-rock-special-edition