Episode #43: Sporting a Moustache for Movember

I hope my Moustache is this epic by the end of Movember!

Well were here another week in and good news people, I did not have to record this episode of the podcast all alone. No, thankfully Gow was back this week.

However before we start on the podcast I want to take a bit of a detour. This month is most commonly known as November, however for the last few years it has been also known as Movember. This is due to a charity event aimed at raising awareness of men’s health, particularly prostate cancer, by having thousands of men worldwide grow a moustache.

Now normally I am fully bearded & Gow just simply does not seem to be able to grow facial hair at all, however we have both agreed to join in on this years event and will be growing moustaches for the cause.

If you want to help us in our good cause then you can donate to us for our madness at http://mobro.co/DrunkenGamer.

Anyway on to the podcast and as always links to almost all the topics covered in tonight’s show are available after the jump.

Also as always we are still taking suggestions for the mid podcast songs. So if you have a suggestion for song to be included in the podcast then put it in the comments of this post or send them too @DrunkenGamer or @D_Gow . They will be put on the short-list and you will be mentioned in the podcast itself when played

Anyway enjoy this episode of the Drinky Talky Thingy.


You can also subscribe Podcast on iTunes

Also for while now listeners have been asking for a way to buy us a beer and help us get drunk for their amusement, well now we have found a way. We have set up an Amazon wish list full of beer and sugary things that you can send to us (trust us were just as funny hyper as drunk). Anyone that does so can send any message with their beer and we will say it in the show. Amazon.co.uk: Drinky Talky Thing

Updates on stories from last week

GTA V screenshots: Using images to analyse the trailer | IncGamers
Watch the GTA V trailer here! | IncGamers
Grand Theft Auto V Trailer Analysis

Blizzard under fire for homophobic Blizzcon video -Destructoid
Blizzard apologizes for anti-gay slurs at BlizzCon | Massively

This weeks stuff

DCUO’s free-to-play rollout has begun | Massively

EA promotes least enticing ‘Facebook unlock’ in history | IncGamers

Uncharted 3 team claims ‘brutal crunch’ | Game Development | News by Develop

Blizzard North were developing PS2 Diablo title for Capcom | IncGamers

Expansive: Origin Signs Major Publishers | Rock, Paper, Shotgun

Origin Adds Warner Bros, THQ, Capcom Downloads – PC News at IGN

Team Fortress 2 player base 5x larger post free-to-play switch – PC News at GameSpot

Rock Band may undergo ‘creative reinterpretation’ – Harmonix – Xbox 360 News at GameSpot

DICE addresses disappearance of PS3 Battlefield 3 bonus – Xbox 360 News at GameSpot

Dota 2 Beta Seeks Arcane Facts From You | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Should anyone own DOTA? -Destructoid

What a Reviewer’s job is Not | GameFront

True Friendshape: Thomas Was Alone | Rock, Paper, Shotgun

Epic president addresses hopes for next-gen consoles – Xbox 360 News at GameSpot

Sony buys out Ericsson’s half of phone business – News at GameSpot

Ubisoft Chronicles Its Upcoming PSN Roster – PS3 News at IGN

PS Vita First Edition bundle coming a week early – PlayStation Vita News at GameSpot

Nintendo blames lack of games this year on Wii U -Destructoid

Activision hunting down Modern Warfare 3 pirates -Destructoid

‘More crazy than Limbo,’ Playdead speaks on ‘project two’ -Destructoid

Longest Journey trekking to iPhone – News at GameSpot

SEGA has ‘no plans’ to resurrect Classic Sonic for good -Destructoid

EA developing music-mixing ‘Harmony’ tool, debuts in SSX -Destructoid

Indie game Voxatron sees a Humble Debut -Destructoid

Voxatron Debut gets Blocks That Matter, Binding of Isaac -Destructoid

BioWare: Older Games a ‘Preamble’ to Mass Effect 3 – PlayStation 3 News at IGN

Release Date Roundup

Phoenix Wright movie in session February 11 – DS News at GameSpot

Dust 514 Server Details, Release Window Confirmed – PlayStation 3 News at IGN

Asura’s Wrath unleashes February 21 – PlayStation Vita News at GameSpot

SSX slides to February 14 launch, reveals Deadly Descents -Destructoid

Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City begins March 20 – Xbox 360 News at GameSpot

Battlefield 3: Back To Karkand screens and date | IncGamers

Postal 3 heading to Steam on December 10 -Destructoid

Podcast Extras

Full-size Halo sniper rifle built from Lego | IncGamers

Death and pigtails in Lollipop Chainsaw Halloween blowout | IncGamers

Tony Hawk Freerunning for people without skateboards -Destructoid

What Sonic Means Today – Xbox 360 Feature at IGN

Skyrim: First 23 minutes of gameplay leaked « BeefJack – The Gamer’s Sauce

Dorkly Bits: Bastion Narrator Invades Other Games – Dorkly Video

DmC: Devil May Cry trailer is seven shades of kick-ass -Destructoid

This Rayman: Origins trailer shows you ten ways to travel -Destructoid

The Daily Hotness: Organ Mario World -Destructoid

Trailer: Thomas Was Alone soon to be a full game -Destructoid
Zelda and Robin Williams return in this Skyward Sword ad -Destructoid

Songs used in this episode

Intro Remixed from WizWars – 8 Bit Raceway, which can be bought at http://wizwars.bandcamp.com/album/game-boy-rock-special-edition

Sonic- LavaReefZoneA2 Piano by DrMackFoxx

Face The Facade (Instrumental) by Naildown55

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