Episode #36: Ranty McRanterson

It took a while but the epic MacGuyver Mic has been surpassed

I am not sure what is in this beer but I have to say that TangleFoot by the Badger brewery is certainly memorable.

Even if it is only for the reaction it had to Gow’s system – something about this beer actually turned him into Ranty McRanterson!

It didn’t matter what the story was he found something that annoyed him and he went off the deep end – strangely I think this was a good thing but only time will tell.

As always links to almost all the topics covered are after the jump.

Also as always we are still taking suggestions for the mid podcast songs. So if you have a suggestion for song to be included in the podcast then put it in the comments of this post or send them too @DrunkenGamer or @D_Gow . They will be put on the short-list and you will be mentioned in the podcast itself when played

Anyway enjoy this episode of the Drinky Talky Thing.


You can also subscribe Podcast on iTunes

Also for while now listeners have been asking for a way to buy us a beer and help us get drunk for their amusement, well now we have found a way. We have set up an Amazon wish list full of beer and sugary things that you can send to us (trust us were just as funny hyper as drunk). Anyone that does so can send any message with their beer and we will say it in the show. Amazon.co.uk: Drinky Talky Thing

Updates on stories from last week


This weeks stuff

Star Wars: The Old Republic is keeping a close eye on World of Warcraft | Massively

Six Blizzard Releases in the Next Three Years Expected by Activision

Ico/Shadow of the Colossus: PS2 vs. PS3 – Page 1 | DigitalFoundry | Eurogamer.net

SWTOR companions will have same-sex romance options… eventually | Massively

Release Date Roundup

RollerCoaster Tycoon Makes its Handheld Debut on 3DS in 2012

Max Payne 3 Finally Releasing in March

Last Orders

Gow’s Random Words

Songs used in this episode

Intro Remixed from WizWars – 8 Bit Raceway, which can be bought at http://wizwars.bandcamp.com/album/game-boy-rock-special-edition

Chase a Mirage (Gerudo Valley) by Psyguy

Chase a Mirage (Gerudo Valley)

Zelda Title (NES) Guitars by RobSoundtrack

Zelda Title (NES) Guitars

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