Episode #35: Politically Memetastic

Well we got every other meme into the podcast, you dont think we would leave out the Y U NO guy did you?

I don’t want to tell you how im feeling….sorry, I have that damn Rick Astley song stuck in my head as it has been a podcast full of meme’s.

From dramatic chipmunk to all your base, I would be surprised if we missed one. when were not wasting time on old meme’s we managed to get a bit of gaming news filled in from the free-to-play conversion of Star Trek Online to the beta of Diablo III, we even found time for a bit of piss-taking at Fox News expense.

As always links to almost all the topics covered are after the jump.

Also as always we are still taking suggestions for the mid podcast songs. So if you have a suggestion for song to be included in the podcast then put it in the comments of this post or send them too @DrunkenGamer or @D_Gow . They will be put on the short-list and you will be mentioned in the podcast itself when played

Anyway enjoy this episode of the Drinky Talky Thing.


You can also subscribe Podcast on iTunes

Also for while now listeners have been asking for a way to buy us a beer and help us get drunk for their amusement, well now we have found a way. We have set up an Amazon wish list full of beer and sugary things that you can send to us (trust us were just as funny hyper as drunk). Anyone that does so can send any message with their beer and we will say it in the show. Amazon.co.uk: Drinky Talky Thing

Updates on stories from last week


This weeks stuff

Game writing pioneer Bill Kunkel passes away | Joystiq

Players Will Decide How Star Wars Galaxies Comes to an End

Sony shares price and details on PlayStation certified Tablets S and P, coming later this year | Joystiq

Perfect World Entertainment confirms Star Trek Online going F2P this year | Massively
Prospering? Star Trek Online F2P This Year | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Dan Stahl addresses Star Trek Online F2P concerns | Massively
Cryptic uploads Star Trek Online’s free-to-play plans | Massively

German Censors Approve New Action Game | Rock, Paper, Shotgun

Diablo III Beta “Very Close,” Won’t Require You to Stay Quiet
Diablo: IncGamers
Stay awhile, and watch Diablo 3 beta footage | Joystiq

Sony: ‘Publishers are getting the living crap kicked out of them by Microsoft’ | Joystiq

‘Zombie Massacre’ is another gaming film from Uwe Boll | Joystiq

Dead Island day-one patch detailed; Steam version to be replaced | Joystiq

Dan Trachtenberg talks the past and future of Portal: No Escape | Joystiq

Blizzard and Valve want consoles to unite online | Game Development | News by Develop

News: EA: What would PlayStation 4 even do? – ComputerAndVideoGames.com

FOX News Takes Stand On Green Gaming | Rock, Paper, Shotgun

Ninja Theory head wary of AAA retail model, despite following it with DMC | Joystiq

PSA: Steam Trading leaves beta, now official | Joystiq

SEGA Blog | Celebrate Sonic’s 20th Anniversary with the Sonic Generations Collector’s Edition

Release Date Roundup

Uncharted 1 and 2 bundle available September 6 | Joystiq

Hogrocket’s Tiny Invaders now infesting iPhone | Joystiq

Rise of Immortals launching September 12 | Joystiq

Torchlight, Neverwinter MMOs scheduled to launch late 2012-early 2013 | Joystiq

Nexon Europe gearing up for Vindictus closed beta | Massively

Last Orders

Awesomenauts not afraid to show 5 minutes of gameplay | Joystiq

Gears of War 3’s ‘Dust to Dust’ trailer is a twangy recap of games past | Joystiq

Battlefield 3 gets physical in pre-order bonus trailer | Joystiq

The Most Prolific Video Game Voice Actors from 1UP.com

Borderlands 2 leaked gameplay video is 14 minutes of amazing midget-massacre | Joystiq

Homemade PIP-Boy 3000 does (almost) everything | Joystiq

Gow’s Random Words

Songs used in this episode

Intro Remixed from WizWars – 8 Bit Raceway, which can be bought at http://wizwars.bandcamp.com/album/game-boy-rock-special-edition

Morals (Who Needs ‘Em?) by MathcoreMathcore

Morals (Who Needs ‘Em?)

Into The Forest Grotto by Nick Leach (nal1200)

Into The Forest Grotto

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