Well that just goes to prove a point I guess, even after 17 weeks of recording and uploading this podcast is still possible to make some Grade-A beginners mistakes.
With so much going on at the minute I didn’t think to check the MP3 after it was output, unfortunately this time without any reason to do so (beyond being an Adobe product) it only output the first 30 minutes of the recording.
So basically the whole thing was 30 minutes of us bitching about Sony!
However that’s now sorted and here instead is the Full Fat, Complete version of Episode #17 of the Drinky Talky Thing
This has been a bad week for anyone who owns a PS3 or has ever had a Sony Online account – so bad that for the first time this year a whole segment of the show was dedicated to the news about it.
However there is plenty of other news out there and we once again have recorded our thoughts on some of the highlights.
One thing I haven’t said a while, is that we are always interested in your opinions on the show. We may be 17 weeks in but were still looking to improve and change things up where needed.
You can tell us directly in the comments section at the bottom of this post or send them too us via twitter at @D_Gow & @DrunkenGamer
You can also subscribe Podcast on iTunes
Updates on stories from last week
Well there is only one story that can really fit into this section – the ongoing saga that is the Sony Security Clusterfuck
PSN dev: Downtime ‘has cost us thousands’ | Game Development | News by Develop
SOE working on a “make good plan” for its customers | Massively
Sony: response to PSN outage was dependent on ‘forensic analysis’ | Joystiq
Devs on PSN hack: ‘Digital distrust could follow’ | Game Development | News by Develop
First Lawsuit Filed Against Sony Over PSN Data Leak
PSN Breach: What it means for you, and for Sony | Joystiq
Sony may be hit with £500K fine over PSN data loss | Joystiq
Rumor: Sony distributing new security-enhancing SDK to PS3 devs | Joystiq
Sony: New PS3 firmware to accompany PSN relaunch, network being physically rebuilt | Joystiq
PlayStation Network credit card info appears to be safe: ‘No unauthorized activity relating to Sony’ | Massively
Reports of Credit Cards Being Sold Surface as FBI, DHS Get Involved with PSN Investigation
Sony Again Denies Credit Card List Reports, Talks Password Encryption
All of that could be bad enough on its own, but it gets worse as SOE are now involved
A second breach of Sony’s internet security? [Updated] | Massively
SOE releases further breach details, 24.6 million accounts compromised | Massively
This weeks stuff
In the Wake of the Sony problems – Microsoft warn their users to be vigilant
Xbox Live status warns of phishing in Modern Warfare 2 messages | Joystiq
Nintendo are to pick up on the marketing after admitting that sales of the 3DS have been disappointing
Nintendo to ‘step up’ 3DS marketing following disappointing sales – News at GameSpot
Wii ‘Nintendo Selects’ Line will create a budget line of top titles
Wii Price Drop and Budget Line Coming This Month – Report
Beyonce is being sued by the studio she hired to make a game
Beyonce Sued Over Canceled Game Project
The portal 2 interview mentioned last week, some interesting insights into the minds behind the game
Valve On Portal 2: Spoiler Interview Part One | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Valve On Portal 2: Spoiler Interview Part Two | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Portal 2 DLC confirmed for Summer Release – Also that it will be FREE!
Portal 2 DLC coming as soon as this summer | Joystiq
Portal 2 DLC #1 Is FreeFreeFree | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
It seems that finally Turbine are going to take back control of Lord of the Rings Online from Codemasters
Turbine to take control of Lord of the Rings Online from Codemasters in Europe | Joystiq
Mythos has actually gone live in Europe
Mythos Europe launches! | Massively
Diablo 3 is being rumoured to be in the home stretch and looking like it may make it out this year
Diablo III is in the “Home Stretch”
The Gameloft WoW-Clone has launched, interesting times for Mobile MMO’s
Order & Chaos Online available in Canadian App Store [Updated] | Massively
The Australian Attorney General will support calls for an 18+ games rating but only if the 15+ is scrapped first
South Australian AG will support R18+ rating if 15+ is scrapped | Joystiq
Just add Water seem to be going all out to resurrect the oddworld series, even bringing back the never finished Hand of Odd
Just Add Water reviving Oddworld: Hand of Odd, confirms HD remake of Munch’s Oddysee | Joystiq
Brian Bendis is announced as writer for the Marvel Universe MMO and will be free to play
Marvel Universe Online will be free-to-play, penned by Bendis | Massively
Universities sign up for the Cryengine 3 educational license
Over 250 universities sign up for CryEngine 3 educational license | Joystiq
Its the 10th Anniversary of Halo, no matter how much you love or hate it that’s still impressive
343 Industries’ Frank O’Connor on Halo’s 10th anniversary, Grunt plushies | Joystiq
Mortal Kombat: Legacy – Episode 4
Release News Roundup
FEAR 3 release pushed back again
FEAR 3 Delayed Again
Red Faction Armageddon also pushed back
Red Faction Armageddon delayed a week to June 7 | Joystiq
Driver: San Francisco gets dated
Driver: San Francisco peels out on August 30, 2011 | Joystiq
APB Reloaded open beta to start this month
And: APB Reloaded Open Beta On May 18th | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Released this week include MotorStorm: Apocolypse, CODBLOPS DLC & Thor: God of Thunder
Shippin’ Out May 1-7: MotorStorm: Apocalypse, Black Ops DLC – News at GameSpot
Resistance 3 Demo will be included on the Battle:LA Blu-Ray
Resistance 3 demo to be included with Battle: LA Blu-ray | Joystiq
Gow’s Random Words
haberdasher, Whoremonger!, Microscope, inosinate
Songs used in this episode
Intro Remixed from WizWars – 8 Bit Raceway, which can be bought at http://wizwars.bandcamp.com/album/game-boy-rock-special-edition
Song 1: COFFEE!!! by Maverlyn Darkstar http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/388842
Song 2: Aaron The Afterthought Astronaut by Fishboy http://yofishboy.bandcamp.com/track/aaron-the-afterthought-astronaut