I am sure you all know how it goes, you have a few beers and all of a sudden you get very opinionated about anything and everything.
Usually the things you get most opinionated about are the things you most certainly know the least about – well that happened this week. For us that thing was politics, but not just any politics – American Politics!
So in advance if we got any of the facts wrong then…deal with it! We will probably have been a fuck of a lot closer that several of your ‘News’ sources are.
Mostly though we did stick to what we know and covered a whole mountain of gaming news, from the bad news about The Secret World to the Apology from Jay Wilson, the Apple court case to the Playstation 4 rumours. Was a pretty eclectic week really.
Anyway all that and much more in this episode of the Drinky Talky Thingy.
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We also welcome your contact about anything you want to talk to us about – From suggestions for stories to recommendations for mid podcast songs, Hell you can even just hurl insults at us if you so wish. Below is a list of the ways you can contact us.
- Email: Podcast@8bitalliance.com
- Twitter: Paddy – @DrunkenGamer Gow – @D_Gow Craig – @TurkeySaladBoy Alec – @alecrossbower
- Facebook: Drinky Talky Thingy Podcast
- Skype:the8bitalliance
You can even if you so wish buy us gifts of beers and sweeties via our Amazon wishlist, doing so will make you the sponsor of that show and as a result we will say almost anything you ask us to during the show. Amazon.co.uk: Drinky Talky Thing
If you want links to any of the stories we covered in the show this week, links can be found after the jump.
This weeks stuff
This weeks Releases: New Games, Newest Games – GameSpot.com
Blizzard’s Jay Wilson publicly apologises for David Brevik comment | IncGamers.com
Having Issues: Secret World Issue Two Delayed | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Following The Secret World disappointment, Funcom will focus on smaller games | IncGamers.com
Bundlemania IX: 15 Indie Games For $Notalot | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Britain’s best shine in newest Steam indie bundle -Destructoid
Former 38 Studios dev releases Copernicus video, details player-driven systems | Massively
Infinity Blade studio does Obama/Romney fight simulator -Destructoid
Kinect gets cheaper in the US, no plans for EU price cut | IncGamers.com
Black Isle Studios (sort of) returns | IncGamers.com
Back In: Black Isle Being Resurrected By Interplay | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Bwah? – Interplay Boss Speaks Out On Black Isle Plans | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Gamescom winners announced, Dishonored takes top prize | IncGamers.com
Best of gamescom 2012 winners announced! -Destructoid
Enter at Your Own Rift: RIFT’s upcoming housing boom | Massively
Accessory maker slip may point to Wii U date of Nov 18 -Destructoid
Apple awarded $1.05 billion in Samsung infringement case -Destructoid
Apple lists 8 Samsung mobile devices to be banned -Destructoid
PlayStation 4 to support 4K resolution – Report – GameSpot.com
Industry must innovate and evolve to thrive, says Sony – GameSpot.com
Sony patent points to playable mini-game advertisements -Destructoid
Ico, Shadow of the Colossus producer leaves Sony – GameSpot.com
This is awesome: Original Borderlands ‘demade’ in 16bit… for free | IncGamers.com
Cube Your Enthusiasm: Molyneux’s Curiosity Delayed | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Peter Molyneux’s Curiosity to be renamed ‘because of NASA’ – GameSpot.com
Codemasters: We’ve got enough ideas for the next 20 Formula 1 games | IncGamers.com
Convincing the hardcore players that they’re the minority is not easy [F1 2012] | IncGamers.com
Broken Sword: The Serpent’s Curse Launches Kickstarter | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Rumor: Retailers instructed to destroy Final Fantasy XIV stock | Massively
Free-to-play MMO coming to XBLA this autumn | IncGamers.com
Square launches ad-supported cloud gaming portal | IncGamers.com
Activision considering all franchises for mobile – GameSpot.com
Uncharted film project getting a rewrite, loses its director | IncGamers.com
US Sanctions Block World of Warcraft in Iran | IncGamers.com
Podcast Extras
Have some extra Tony Hawk HD DLC videos -Destructoid
Lame Game Marathon 2 announced for September 22 -Destructoid
No prohibition on this Omerta: City of Gangsters footage [Video] | IncGamers.com
More Project Copernicus videos highlight Jottunhessen | Massively
Going stealthy in new Dishonored video | IncGamers.com
Lifesize Thrall made out of LEGO [World of Warcraft] | IncGamers.com
Found: Fifteen Minutes Of Lost Planet 3 | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Songs used in this episode
Original Intro Remixed from WizWars – 8 Bit Raceway, which can be bought at http://wizwars.bandcamp.com/album/game-boy-rock-special-edition
New Intro Remixed from Drunken Sailor Metal Remix by DarkmasterXIII