Drinky Talky Thingy Podcast 108: Paddy Can’t Say Frozen Throne!

Happy Birthday EVE Online and congratulation on half a million players
Happy Birthday EVE Online and congratulation on half a million players

Yes, it turns out that my wife is an ass!

Unfortunately so is my Co-Host, so you will at some point get to listen to them both have a laugh at the fact that have trouble saying my ‘th’ sounds some time.

Aside from my speech impediments we also managed to discuss some gaming news. From EA failing to see that Always On DRM is a bad idea, to deciding that Cliffy B is a Analyst in disguise & even finding the time to cover the BAFTA Game Awards.

Anyway all that and much more in this episode of the Drinky Talky Thingy.


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We also welcome your contact about anything you want to talk to us about – From suggestions for stories to recommendations for mid podcast songs, Hell you can even just hurl insults at us if you so wish. Below is a list of the ways you can contact us. Send us a sound clip and we will even bung it in the show.

You can even if you so wish buy us gifts of beers and sweeties via our Amazon wishlist, doing so will make you the sponsor of that show and as a result we will say almost anything you ask us to during the show. Amazon.co.uk: Drinky Talky Thing

If you want links to any of the stories we covered in the show this week, links can be found after the jump.

This Weeks Stuff

Sony sells their Tokyo HQ building for $1.2 billion

Retro City Rampage Wii version a ‘$20,000 gift to fans’

After Ten Years, Eve Stands At 500k Subscribers

Scott Hartsman pontificates on the future of MMOs

Apple settles over in-app purchases made by kids

Yerli: Single-Player Games Must Be “Online Single-Player”

On Cliffy B, microtransactions, and Electronic Arts

Playground Nightmare: Auti-Sim Is About Childhood Autism | Rock, Paper, Shotgun

Wii U needs to sell more, says Ubisoft CEO

Curt Schilling asks judge to dismiss 38 Studios fraud lawsuit

Week In Tech: Overclock Your Monitor With NVIDIA

Journey wins big at the BAFTA Game Awards

Next Tomb Raider film will be based on latest reboot

‘Deus Ex: Human Defiance’ is just the upcoming movie

Listing for ‘modified’ Deus Ex: Human Revolution spotted

Deus Ex The Fall domains registered

Diablo III plans itemization changes

Blizzard responds to The Salvation of Diablo 3

EA now says not all games will have microtransactions

Gamers Line Up To Play SimCity…

Sim City launch not exactly going to plan

EA ‘Confident’ Origin Issues Won’t Plague Euro SimCity

EA confident for Sim City EU launch – Waiting rooms added

Rumor: Dead Space franchise may be on indefinite hold

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag release date and next-gen versions spotted in Ubisoft leak – GameSpot.com

Humble Android 5 Also On PC, With Added Hexagons

Mayday, Mayday! – Metro: Last Light Releasing In May

Wii U version of Crysis 3 canceled due to lack of support

Podcast Extras

Sing along to the Cave Story theme… WITH LYRICS

Latest Deadpool trailer looks appropriately juvenile

New Injustice trailer shows off the ‘Red Son’ pack

New Army of Two trailer gives you the finger

Willem Dafoe revealed in Beyond: Two Souls

Project Awakened shows off Unreal Engine 4 – Destructoid

A Trailer With Pirates: Assassin’s Creed IV – Black Flag

Debut TMNT: Out of the Shadows trailer appears

Dreamfall Chapters gets a proper trailer

These Dungeonland class videos show off the game’s humor

Working replica of Dr. Light’s capsule is so boss – Destructoid

This is how videogame characters have sex

Songs used in this episode

Title music Drunken Sailor by Doctor Octoroc used with permission. Check out more of his music over at http://www.doctoroctoroc.com/– Do it now!

Dot Dot Dot by D-Mac-Double (Video: Dot Dot Dot – Animated)

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