Drinky Talky Thingy Episode #67: It’s a wonder that we have not been sued yet

What the hell happened to the games industry? So many lawsuits!
What the hell happened to the games industry? So many lawsuits!

Something strange is going on in the gaming world.

Everybody seems to be suing someone about something and responding to that with counter-suits. The amount of insults we throw at the people we talk about in these shows I really am surprised we have not had a lawsuit land at our feet yet.

We did get one noise pollution order but we managed to shake that off by agreeing to never sing again.

Anyway in this show we looked at the evidence behind some Command & Conquer rumours, we deliberated over whether the consoles should charge more for their services, we look at the facts regarding Nintendo’s No-Show at this years GamesCom and declared Dark Souls for the PC Guilty of being absolutely retarded.

All that and much more in this episode of the Drinky Talky Thingy.


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You can even if you so wish buy us gifts of beers and sweeties via our Amazon wishlist, doing so will make you the sponsor of that show and as a result we will say almost anything you ask us to during the show. Amazon.co.uk: Drinky Talky Thing
If you want links to any of the stories we covered in the show this week, links can be found after the jump.

Updates on stories from last week

Crysis 3 officially announced, coming in 2013 -Destructoid

This weeks stuff

This weeks Releases EU: New Games, Newest Games – GameSpot.com
This weeks Releases US: New Games, Newest Games – GameSpot.com

EA games back in GAME and GameStation stores | IncGamers

Microsoft monetising Xbox Live even further | IncGamers

Analysts: Sony could strip down free PSN features -Destructoid

EVE Online offers video cards for PLEX | Massively
EVE in-game purchase Nvidia cards: Gone in 64 seconds -Destructoid

Job posting points to Valve hardware dabbling | IncGamers
Valve’s Abrash investigates wearable computing | IncGamers

Apple ‘wants Valve to partner for home console’ | Game Development | News by Develop
Apple game console rumored for 2012 launch – GameSpot.com

‘Face-melting’ graphics needed for next-gen, says Gears of War dev – GameSpot.com

Korean court confirms guilty verdict in TERA criminal trial | Massively
Bluehole Studio NOT Guilty in Trial – En Masse Entertainment

Better Business Bureau says EA lied about Mass Effect 3 -Destructoid

Ubisoft sued for ‘ripping off’ Assassin’s Creed idea -Destructoid

Activision Blizzard being sued over online patent infringement | IncGamers

Bethesda threatens gamer over Fallout fan site – GameSpot.com

Oh Dear: C&C Tiberium Alliances May Have ‘Borrowed’ | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Treadful Mistank: EA Explains Tiberium Alliances’ Tanks | Rock, Paper, Shotgun

You won’t be charged for Tekken Tag 2’s extra characters -Destructoid

Star Command developers run into Kickstarter issues -Destructoid

Nintendo snubs Gamescom 2012, will not appear at all | IncGamers
Nintendo Registers ‘Super Mario 4’ – Nintendo 3DS News at IGN
Nintendo to show Mario and Pikmin for Wii U at E3 -Destructoid
Miyamoto Wants New Link to the Past – Nintendo 3DS News at IGN

Is PlayStation’s Facebook page teasing God of War IV? -Destructoid

Dragon Ball Z Headed to Kinect – Xbox 360 News at IGN

Dark Souls PC uses GFWL, gamers mobilize to stop it -Destructoid
Dark Souls PC: Not necessarily on Games for Windows Live -Destructoid
Namco and From Software in an attempt to kill their own game; Dark Souls PC to be locked on 30fps | DSOGaming | The Dark Side Of Gaming

Not Enough Time

The Real Cost of Used Games | GamesIndustry International

The Price is Wrong | GamesIndustry International

Seed funding scheme for indie startups | Game Development | News by Develop

LotRO launches its Fifth Anniversary Festival | Massively

Sonic 4 Episode II will try hard to please you -Destructoid

Just Add Water teases Hand of Odd, which is great! -Destructoid

Podcast Extras

Brawl in the Family celebrates 400 strips with a musical -Destructoid

StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Multiplayer Changes – PC Preview at IGN

A 4-week-old Bastion looked ugly but played beautifully -Destructoid

A time for bullets in Max Payne 3 [Video] | IncGamers

Here’s an utterly ridiculous Lollipop Chainsaw trailer -Destructoid

The Legend of Zelda comes to life in these playing cards -Destructoid

The Newest Shiny-Shines Of CryENGINE 3 | Rock, Paper, Shotgun

Songs used in this episode

Original Intro Remixed from WizWars – 8 Bit Raceway, which can be bought at http://wizwars.bandcamp.com/album/game-boy-rock-special-edition

New Intro Remixed from Drunken Sailor Metal Remix by DarkmasterXIII

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