Drinky Talky Thingy Episode #61: Lager is not a real beer and should be shot on sight

I cant remember what we talked about, so here is a picture of a stempunk portal gun
I cant remember what we talked about, so here is a picture of a stempunk portal gun

Well 60 weeks in and it finally happened – We finally had a sponsor for the show. Unfortunately that sponsor was our Dutch friend Roy, who insisted we had to drink Grolsh for the whole show (fortunately I eventually talked him down to starting on Grolsh and  finishing on real beer) and I would direct you to the shows headline for my opinion of even that small amount of lager.

That aside it was a good show, Gow was endlessly distracted by the fact that I now have a dog , I was confused by the fact that I had only selected the stories less than an hour before we started recording. Not that we would let such small things stop us recording a show for you guys.

This week we once again continued to chronicle the downfall of UK Retailer GAME, Talked about the Hidden DLC on the disc of Street Fighter X Tekken, nattered a bit about the Assassins Creed III reveal, Argued about the possibility of a Valve ‘Steam Box’ Console and basically flapped our gums about anything and everything  that popped into our radar from the weeks gaming news.

Also just a reminder, in just over a weeks time you will be able come and join in with the show, when we record a live special episode at PLATFORM 2012. We will give announce more details as soon as we know them, but in the meanwhile check out that link and look at the cool stuff that will be going on.

All that and much more in this episode of the Drinky Talky Thingy.


You can also subscribe Podcast on iTunes

We also welcome your contact about anything you want to talk to us about – From suggestions for stories to recommendations for mid podcast songs, Hell you can even just hurl insults at us if you so wish. Below is a list of the ways you can contact us.

You can even if you so wish buy us gifts of beers and sweeties via our Amazon wishlist, doing so will make you the sponsor of that show and as a result we will say almost anything you ask us to during the show. Amazon.co.uk: Drinky Talky Thing
If you want links to any of the stories we covered in the show this week, links can be found after the jump.

Updates on stories from last week

GAME won’t stock Street Fighter X Tekken, Asura’s Wrath -Destructoid
GAME Group considering shutting down operations | IncGamers

This weeks stuff

This weeks Releases EU: New Games, Newest Games – GameSpot.com
This weeks Releases UK: New Games, Newest Games – GameSpot.com

Provided by our sponsor Roy

[News] Co-founder Arjan Brussee leaves at Guerrilla Games, is Executive Producer at EA | Control

BioShock Infinite gets confirmed October release | VG247

Main Stories

BioShock Infinite PS3 Will Include Original BioShock – PlayStation 3 News at IGN

Raspberry Pi on general sale | Game Development | News by Develop

Code Hero: Hiding a Text Book in a Video Game – PC Preview at IGN

Turn Your Phone Into A PC Peripheral With Power-Grid | Rock, Paper, Shotgun

UKIE releases first UK digital download chart | IncGamers

Valve: PS3 And PC Crossplay Is CS: GONE | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
No cross-platform support for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive | IncGamers

You can still earn Trophies on pre-owned PS Vita games -Destructoid

Valve readying ‘Steam Box’ console – Report – GameSpot.com
Valve product designer ‘leaks Steam console photo’ | Game Development | News by Develop

Full DLC characters found on Street Fighter X Tekken disc -Destructoid
Capcom explains Street Fighter X Tekken on-disc DLC – GameSpot.com
Operation Raccoon City gets Nemesis Mode as day-one DLC -Destructoid

Assassin’s Creed III confirms American Revolution setting -Destructoid
Assassin’s Creed III screens leak online -Destructoid
Seven studios collaborating on Assassin’s Creed III | Game Development | News by Develop
Assassin’s Creed III confirmed for Wii U – GameSpot.com
Assassin’s Creed III Online Co-Op? – Xbox 360 News at IGN
Team America: Assassin’s Creed 3 Revealed, Properly | Rock, Paper, Shotgun

DUST 514 will be F2P and free to download | Massively
DUST 514 Vita version is companion app, not full game | Massively
Smartie has the answers: Derek Smart on Line of Defense | Rock, Paper, Shotgun

Justin Bieber Sued by Game Developer – iPhone News at IGN

Not enough time

Rumor: Diablo III releasing April 17th | Massively

Blizzard buffs the bejeezus out of WoW’s Scroll of Resurrection | Massively

Could a new Baldur’s Gate be on the way? -Destructoid

Fun facts about X-Blades followup Blades of Time -Destructoid

Adidas sues THQ for $10m over breach of contract | Game Development | News by Develop

Mojang hires from the Minecraft community | Game Development | News by Develop

Markus Persson set for BAFTA Special Award | Game Development | News by Develop

Metacritic user reviews tear Mass Effect 3 to pieces -Destructoid

EA and Maxis to Reveal ‘Mystery Game’ – PC News at IGN

Podcast Extras

Quantum Conundrum’s Familiar Quirk – Xbox 360 Preview at IGN

Doom 4 not canceled, supposed game art surfaces – GameSpot.com

Here are a buttload of supposed leaked Doom 4 images -Destructoid

Glorious! Mario 3 airship constructed out of LEGO bricks -Destructoid

New screens and art for DmC have some red on them -Destructoid

Here’s what Adventure Time: The Game should look like -Destructoid

New fan game gives Mario a friggin’ Portal gun -Destructoid

Songs used in this episode

Original Intro Remixed from WizWars – 8 Bit Raceway, which can be bought at http://wizwars.bandcamp.com/album/game-boy-rock-special-edition

New Intro Remixed from Drunken Sailor Metal Remix by DarkmasterXIII

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