Well I would never have thought it possible if I had not actually experienced it.
Making a long overdue return to the podcast is our old friend Craig (aka TurkeySaladBoy) , seriously his presence has been missed.
I will in advance apologise for the slight audio issues in the second half of the podcast, so used to having only two people here for the recording I seem to have pulled the microphone too far forward.
This has resulted in a slightly echoed Gow for the second half of the podcast but he’s still understandable even when he tries to throw in his random Dutch words.
At this point in the intro however I am instantly regretting the choice of my podcast image for this episode as it seems there is a lot of space to fill in to make the podcast player fit into the post naturally.
But then that’s one of the good things about this site – I can admit when I messed up, so without out further stalling here is this weeks podcast.
You can also subscribe Podcast on iTunes
Updates on stories from the last episode
The Fox news debacle rolls on still – first with yet another expert that fox asked in the bulletstorm story has come forward with the answers they provided, this guy was completely ignored but gave some damn fine answers.
Then it just gets silly, Fox makes another news item about the game not to fix its statement but to push its agenda further and to cap it all insinuates Rock, Paper, Shotgun has not been telling the truth.
This weeks stuff
Topware interactive threatened to blacklist site for low scores on reviews of Two Worlds 2
Portal 2 will NOT include Move support
Command & Conquer is set to make a comeback under a new studio
The project that Bungie are working on for activision is apparently an MMOFPS named ‘Destiny’
Legend of Zelda turns 25years old
Kinect SDK to be released this spring
Sony are rumoured to also be working on a playstation branded tablet
Bizarre finally closed its doors on Friday with a interesting farewell video, but good news its skilled staff are popping up in new studios
Minecraft working on an official iPhone/iPad release
Why the Bioshock Movie Crumbled
YouTube are looking for developers for a ‘Console Based Experience’
The OpenFeint network has gone ahead and made cross platform play between android & iOS
Gears of War 3 Release Date 20th September
Battlefield 3 Preorder Availible
Gows Random Words
aardappelschilmesje, Squeegee, Ardvark, doppelganger, Flibbertigibbet, Hullabaloo, Squishy, fnaaaarp
Intro Remixed from WizWars – 8 Bit Raceway, which can be bought at http://wizwars.bandcamp.com/album/game-boy-rock-special-edition
Oooh. have to listen this when i get home.. Gow trying to say Aardappelschilmesje 😛
BTW its dutch for potato peeler