If your going to enjoy the story and get anywhere in The Secret World you are going to have to complete some missions.
What Funcom have done to make life easier for you to enjoy yourself though is that they have split them into types. These types give you an idea of what you are about to have to do before you even accept the quest.
Aside from the Story Quests, that I will cover in my next video, there are:
- Action – Combat Based
- Item – Collection/Fetch Based
- Investigation – Puzzle solving (challenging)
- Sabotage – Stealth based
As well as them there are Group (Dungeon) & PvP missions.
Of those it is the Investigation type that have me most fascinated. You truly do have to go off and investigate, if your not paying attention you will miss a clue – some will even require some research outside of the game. Funcom themselves have said that these quests are not for everyone.
I’m going to love them and I’ve made a personal promise not to resort to solutions online.
For a more detailed overview of the missions check out http://massively.joystiq.com/2012/05/17/hands-on-with-the-secret-worlds-mission-system/