30 Second Game Review: Sniper Elite V2

You know that nagging headache you just can't get rid of, that's what it looks like
You know that nagging headache you just can't get rid of, that's what it looks like

Now as some of you will have worked out I record all of these videos in batches and then release them over time.

That means that sometime I continue playing the game after I have finished editing. Once in a blue moon my opinion changes between time of recording and time of release, this is the case with Sniper Elite V2.

After clocking a little more time with it I think I may have been a little harsh with it. Am I going to re-record this? Hells no! Every complaint I had was valid just perhaps not as bad as i made out. The kill cam is interesting for a while then it gets annoying, The soundtrack really is shocking & the AI is either a so retarded you expect it to play catch with a grenade or so intelligent you don’t stand a chance.

Personally for me this is a grab it when it drops in price type of game, you will enjoy it for a while as a change of pace but it doesn’t have all the much longevity

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